Prologue: Reborn in Rage

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"Normal talking"
"Dragon/other entities talking"
"Normal whispering"
"Dragon/other entities whispering"
'Normal thinking'
'Dragon/other entities thinking'
*action while speaking*

In the middle of an empty void, a young individual can be seen, seemingly floating in nothingness. No light can make out the boy's features, and considering he won't stay this way for long, I'll leave his current features up to you.

'Huh... so, this is what death tastes like?... Tastes pretty bland, sorry Cooler!'

"Oh great, another one of those 'otakus'. *sighs* Oh well, let's get this over with."

'Wait, wha-?' *The young man, about (insert features here) can now be seen thanks to the illuminating light provided by a... being? Said being has no features whatsoever, no distinguishable features to determine their gender, and the voice heard before was just as mysterious.

???: "Hello, mortal. My name is-"

"Can you turn the lights down before you do whatever it is you're doing here? I've been in the darkness for only God knows how long-"

???: "Only about 3 years, sorry about that, been *a lot* of you guys rushing in here with the whole COVID thing, fires, floods, and what have you."

"... wait, so are you God with the uppercase G, or just *a* god? What's the big idea?"

???: "Basically. I'm more of an entity, a simple being if everything and anything, far beyond your comprehension. As for your request..." The light tones down as the entity reveals it's shape as...


Sans?: "Not exactly. I just took a form you wouldn't mind chatting with while I explain what's going to happen from here on out."

"Cuz I'm dead, right?"

Sans?: "Yep. Old 'Truck-kun' as you otakus call it."

'Dammit, I was hoping for a better death than tha-... wait, did he say-?' "Truck-kun got me? A-and, now that you're here, does that mean...?"

Sans?: "Yes, you are going to be reborn."

'Aw, HELL YEA-!'

Sans?: "Randomly, that is. Got a whole wheel and everything." *waves hand as a typical game show wheel appears, with hundreds of options ranging from 'Annoying Orange' to 'DC Comics'*

'...why can it never be easy?'

Sans?: "Now, go on and spin the wheel." *Sans? steps away and gestures towards the wheel with his hand, while the other rests in the pocket of his iconic blue jacket*

Realization hits as it becomes apparent to the young man. He's really, *actually*, DEAD! He only wanted some groceries from Ralph's, but with the rioting, some random truck fucked him over while crossing the street. And now, he has nothing but another soul, waiting for a shot at a new, possibly worse life in a new, possibly worse world in comparison to his own.

'Oh, who am I kidding, we've basically hit rick bottom as a species. Might as well give it a shot, right?'

The boy stepped forward, grabbed hold of the massive wheel, (which he only just realized the size of, Jesus! It was like, 60 meters in diameter!) and spun it with all his might. Despite it's size, it was relatively easy to move. For 15 agonizingly long seconds, the wheel spun in a blur of colors, before slowing down. It ticked past 'F.R.I.E.N.D.S.', 'MCU', and 'HAHA, GO BACK!', before finally landing on- 

Reborn in RageWhere stories live. Discover now