Chapter 2: Banishment

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"Normal talking"
"Dragon/other entities talking"
"Normal whispering"
"Dragon/other entities whispering"
'Normal thinking'
'Dragon/other entities thinking'
*action while speaking*

Broly POV

Over the next few hours, I made sure to keep up my ki training. I was able to spread it much, *much* farther than before. I had even been able to feel out the energies as well as their vague differences. The majority of the newborns felt pretty similar in both aura and power. They were pretty much all the same, which made sense considering they were newborns with little self-awareness. Even Vegeta had little to no distinguishable traits present in his ki, other than his noticable power. That being said, they all had a sense of wildness to them. Like there was a faint primal taint to the relatively calm, undisturbed life force of the newborns.

The differences came from what I could sense outside. There was initially only the two guards. Both, as before, were about 3 times my power, although as I experimented more and more with my ki, that gap was closing. 'Not by much, by eventually, I think I may be able to reach 1000 before I get sent to Vampa.'  Moving on, there were some differences to them. While they both held the same feralness to them that I assume all saiyans have, it was much stronger than the newborns. Most likely because they were fully realized adults in comparison to newborns, but still. It wasn't just that, however.

'Their energies are *complete* opposites... Maybe opposites do attract. They definitely seem to be buddies.'  One of the energies felt calm, yet bored. Lazy, too. Like a big old gorilla that's lounging about, not wanting to sit up from its enjoyable nap. But, as with all saiyans, there was a level of strength to it. Like it was ready to attack and retaliate when ready. Pretty fitting for a guard of the next generation of high-class warriors.

'The other one, though...'  The guy's energy was just, LOUD. It was the only way to describe it. Whereas the first guy felt older, calmer, and alert, *this* energy was young, single, and ready to mi-!

'Ok, but seriously, why does this guy feel like the downed a liter of coke in a coke bottle? I don't know if it's possible, but *this* guy would definitely be able to do it.'  Seriously, he feels like a frat virgin who was about to lose said status. And after using my ki to extend my hearing, my suspicions were definitely confirmed.

"C'mon, Prun! Ya gotta admit, she was a good lookin' broad! She may not be all that strong, but damn! What I wouldn't give to test her, durability."  I could practically here the douche elbowing his colleague from here.

'Also, do I really wanna hear this?'

"Well, if you want to get beaten half to death by Bardock for getting near his mate Cellerie, go ahead. I'll be sure to notify all of your previous lovers and any next of kin they have spawned from your essence so that may dance upon your grave." Responded Prun in a monotone voice, which made it all the more hilarious as I could hear Cellerie sputter in embarrassment at him called out as a man whore, and fear of Bardock.

'HAHAHAHA! He was talking about Gine!? I mean shit, she's good looking and all that, but you must have a death wish!'  Yeah, I know you do *not* fuck with Bardock. If Goku's and Gohan's rage moments were any indicator, the saiyans of the Son family were terrifying when angry.

"Wh-whatever, you old geezer! I was j-just sayin'! And *d-don't* joke like that! Bardock is fucking scary man! Damn, I don't even know why I try to make conversation with you. It always ends the same!"

"Trust me, I've been asking myself the same thing for a loooong, long time."

Deciding to extend my sense past the impending arguement, I picked up about twenty other power levels. Each almost 5-6 times my own. That would place them in the 4000-4800 range. One or two were exceeding 5000. 'Thank you mental math skills!'  I guessed we were near some kind of area for mid-class troops. Still, I couldn't be sure. I could extend my sight in the room, but since the door was closed, I couldn't extend it outside. Still, I could manage seeing in the dimly lit chamber. I even spotted Vegeta, but since he was on the upper platform in the center of the room, I could only catch a glimpse of his hair in the incubation pod.

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