Chapter 5: Decisions, Decisions

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"Normal talking"
"Dragon/other entities talking"
"Normal whispering"
"Dragon/other entities whispering"
'Normal thinking'
'Dragon/other entities thinking'
*action while speaking*

Paragus P.O.V.

"I can't wait to get away from this world!" The engineer (what was his name again? Beets?) spoke in exasperation. I had to agree, as while it would've been an ideal environment to implement survival training for Broly, I'm not sure how long we'd last here.

'Even with our rations, it would buy us about a week, maybe 10 days at best. Plus...' I took a glance at Beets(?) to take in his build. Weak, noodle limbs, easily frightened, low power level. 'If what he mentioned was true when comparing his power to Broly, he's not even in the 900 range.' My eyes narrowed.

'He'd be dead weight.'

"It felt like we took some damage coming in." 'Well, we might as well get off of this planet, then. His only use is maintenance for the ship, so might as well keep him around fo-'

"*Gasp* Oh no, no no no!" I could hear the coward's panic as I turned away from the rations. He was knelt over an open hatch near the controls.

"What is it?" While I sounded annoyed, I was truthfully concerned. 'Whatever it is, he better be able to fix it. For all of our sakes.'

"The main floater is cracked! We're done for!" The man's ('if you could even call him that') voice and face were hysteric, and I could feel my own panic attempting to settle itself in.

"You mean you can't fix it?"

"Are you kidding? Do you see a repair station around? Sure there may be some basic tools and rations onboard, but without some kinda replacement..." As the possible burden was pacing about the ship, muttering nonsense to himself, I prepared to pull out my blaster. One less mouth to feed was simply practical for this kind of situation. I couldn't hesitate. Before I could draw my hand out from beneath my cape however, his pacing paused and his head snapped up to peer outside the main window. Towards Broly and his miraculously undamaged pod.

'Our only escape route that definitely wouldn't be able to fit all three of us,' My eyes narrowed, and I once again prepared to burn a hole through his chest, but his voice came back with a startling amount of hope and confidence.

"Yes! Oh yes, that could work!" I pulled back my blaster from view and wondered what the fool could possibly be blathering on about, before he turned to me and shared his thoughts with and optimistic expression. "Your son's pod! I could replace our ship's floater with the floater from the pod!"

"Would that even work? A floater from a pod being used for a basic transport ship?" My skepticism must've been obvious to even this fool, as he was quick to explain.

"Yes! It would take some time to calibrate without any support, but I could get the job done within a few standard weeks! Maybe a month or two, depending on environmental interference and a variety of other factors, bu-"

"But it could be done?"

"Yes! You know, I almost thought I was done for when you dragged me here to this planet, but we may actually make it off this rock! We're just gonna have to move the ship and pod to a safe and empty enough space for me to work."

I'd never say it aloud, but the fool's optimism was getting to me. 'Seems like he has his uses after all. Although...' "So we need to find a cave to provide shelter that hasn't already been occupied by any of these insects? And I need to play bodyguard to you while you work?" It wasn't something I was exactly keen on, especially since I would have to care for and train Broly, which he could seemingly pick up on, if the minor panic on his face was any indicator. 'He really is more perceptive than I would've thought.'

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08 ⏰

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