Chapter 4: Under the Moonlight

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"Normal talking"
"Dragon/other entities talking"
"Normal whispering"
"Dragon/other entities whispering"
'Normal thinking'
'Dragon/other entities thinking'
*action while speaking*

I've been sitting here, by my tree for the past few hours. Ever since I gave control over to my Id 'gonna have to think of a name soon'  I've been waiting in my mindscape. The tree is pretty tall, a good 6 or 7 meters. The flames, however, have been raging on around me. The firestorm is easily 10 times the size of my tree 'which makes sense, the more that I think about it' and have been steadily increasing over time. Must be the passive zenkai trait on steroids that Broly is so well known for.

'Y'know, I really did good with my tree and flame metaphor here. The tree grows as it is fed more energy, whether it be through outside stimulation, like battle, or passively, by sitting there and doing almost nothing. The flames, when they die out, leave embers to fertilize the soil, like slash-and-burn agriculture. Yo, I'm smart as shit! I could be a novelist if I wanted to!'

Okay, maybe that was too far, but my metaphor is *definitely* on point. Anyways, while I've been here, I've been passively feeding off of the embers left behind from my Id, storing them for later. I may need those power ups, and for all I know, tapping into the flame at will is most likely the first step in mastering Ikari. 'I gotta start somewhere'  I had gathered about 7 embers before the flame began to die down. The wind was much less ferocious and lowered with the flames, before they both relaxed. 'Either he is purposefully releasing control or the moon is blocked out. Either way,'  "It's time we had a proper talk, don't you think?"

The flames, which had gone down but not disappeared, condensed into a small ball. It shone a little brighter, and I was prepared for a transformation of some sort, but nothing happened. It stayed in its fireball state, exuding the aura and presence of an apex predator. The ultimate hunter. The alpha and omega.

"Yes, I guess you're right." Its voice was much more calm and quite. It still had a sense of power to it, what with how rumbling it was. 'Seriously, if thunder could speak, it would sound like this.'  But whereas before it was very primal, aggressive, and borderline dark, now it was much more subdued. Like the typical "friendly giant" voice. Reminds me of Chad from Bleach.

Anyways, "So, what did you wanna talk about?"

"...You aren't Broly."

'Right to the point, eh?'  "Yeah, how did you guess?"

"You know much more than you should. Basic speech, self-awareness, ki control, but there's one that stands out. You know of this body's potential. You've *seen* it."

"I'm guessing you wanna know the 'who, what, when, where, how, and why?'" If it could nod, I assumed it would, but it instead gave a hum of approval. "Well, I would, but it's a long story. I don't wanna take up too much time in case Paragus and Beets arrive."

"I know, and I have already made the proper arrangements."

That confused me. "What do you mean? "Proper arrangements," what does that mean?"

"I have seen your memories of the future, and have placed things accordingly. I have destroyed the cave surrounding the pod to ensure "father" and the engineer find it. I have also moved our body into an isolated space by the cave with the insects."

'Oh... not gonna lie, I forgot about that detail with the pod.'  "Uhh, wow thanks, big guy. I actually forgot about that scene. Would've been a pain in the ass if we had to go find them. And thanks for getting us near the cave, too. I'm guessing we're gonna have to eat soon, so that saves us some time."

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