Chapter 3: Training Begins Now!

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"Normal talking"
"Dragon/other entities talking"
"Normal whispering"
"Dragon/other entities whispering"
'Normal thinking'
'Dragon/other entities thinking'
*action while speaking*

For the last 18-ish hours ('still a little difficult guessing time in here') I have been lowering and raising my power level in an effort to gain proper ki control. Not the easiest thing to do, what with my power being *fucking MASSIVE* for a baby, but I'd like to think that I've made some impressive progress.

'Comparing myself to Vegeta's 500, I'm about half of what he is now while surpressed. I've surpressed myself to 1/6 of my own power. Pretty good, all things considered. Still, it sucks I can't manipulate it *outwards* yet. It would be pretty useful against the Vampa Beetles to have ki blasts and energy shields. I wonder if I can create a bubble in here?'

Before I could test this theory, three familiar energy signatures entered my range. 'Huh, not gonna lie. I thought I had more time. Well, at least I have proper ki control for when I arrive on Vampa.'  I spent the remaining minutes I had gradually raising my power level back to my max, which felt about 1/5 greater than before. 'I guess that outburst from yesterday has increased my growth rate. Just playing around with my ki has risen it by this much. Get ready Vampa beetles, cuz I'm gonna rock you... like a hurricane.'


'Okay, shit joke, I know. Sorry.'

While I was wallowing in self-pity for making such a stupid joke, I could sense that, not only had the scientists entered the room, but so had the two guards, Prun and Cellerie. 'Hmm? What are those two doing here? Ah well, might as well go with the flow. Don't want them to be any more suspicious of me.'

"You two. Begin the awakening, and keep an eyes on his readings. Guards, have his armor on hand to dress him before escorting him to his pod."

"Yes ma'am." Responded the four in unison. They were all too preoccupied acting professionally to respond normally; no meekness from Russian Recoome, no sarcasm from the old man, no laziness from Prun, and most surprisingly, no lewd remarks from Cellarie directed towards Nion.

'And considering how many of his... *escapades* I've had to hear about the past few hours, I'm surprised he has the self-control to not flirt with every female he sees. Still, I guess everyone has their serious mo–oh, look! They're letting me out!'

Making sure to stay in my meditative state to simulate unconsciousness, I slowly began to "wake up", acting as if I couldn't understand what it was they were saying. After a few minutes of them talking to me, which consisted of questions like "can you hear us?", "how many fingers am I holding up?" and "can you move your (insert limb here)?" I guessed that the newborns were supposed to have some pre-programming from inside the incubators to help them grasp the very basics before either teaching them (elites/high-class) or adding further programming in the space pods (low-class). But, seeing as I have the knowledge of an adult, I assume the teaching program was ineffective or suppressed somehow.

However, since I had a role to play, I went along. I eventually began nodding my head in response to their questions, moving and stretching each of my muscles as far as they could go, including my tail, which was fucking cool! I mean, I could move it in the incubator and all that, but actually moving and walking around with a monkey tail was trippy AS FUCK!'

After a few minutes of questions and Nion running diagnostics (seems my guesstimate was right, with me having a power level 1810), Prun and Cellerie handed me my armor to put on, as well as the gloves and boots. I already had the stretchy spandex shorts on while I was in the incubator, so no worries there. The led me to a "sanitation chamber", as it was labeled ('I guess not *all* of the programming was ineffective if I could read their language. Here's to hoping I can read scouters, too'), where I was rinsed off and told to place my armor on. I did so, and took a good look at myself in the reflective surface of the metallic wall.

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