Chapter 1: Planning in Plain Sight

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"Normal talking"
"Dragon/other entities talking"
"Normal whispering"
"Dragon/other entities whispering"
'Normal thinking'
'Dragon/other entities thinking'
*action while speaking*


Third Person POV

Following our protagonist, we find ourselves on an entirely new planet, far contrasting the void. The planet is large, more than a few times larger than Earth, with two moons orbiting the planet. The large planet was blue-green in color, seemingly turquoise. There were noticable landmasses on the planet, with clouds hovering in the sky.

This, was Planet Vegeta: home to the Saiyan race, as well as our new protagonist

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This, was Planet Vegeta: home to the Saiyan race, as well as our new protagonist. (A/N: For the sake of simplicity, I will refer to him as Broly from now on)

Broly POV

'Huh, did it work? Where am I?'

I opened my eyes to see myself in what seemed to be green water. At least, that's what I thought it was. I could see my own small hands and feet, not chubby but not skinny. I had what felt like an oxygen mask over my face, and most importantly, I could see my tail.

'Well, if I want to TRULY surpass canon Broly, I should learn proper control as early as possible

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'Well, if I want to TRULY surpass canon Broly, I should learn proper control as early as possible. If I remember, the movie had the scientists say that Broly's power fluctuated randomly. I should try to get that down. Since I am stuck here not moving, meditation would be the best option. Plus, I've got the feeling meditation is going to be something I'll be doing a lot of in the near and far future.'

Getting to it, I closed my eyes and cleared my mind. Or at least, I tried. I may have only just gotten this body, but I could already feel something different about myself. I was actually a pretty calm guy in my previous life. I usually kept to myself, only interacting with close family, friends, and those in class. I did take some interest in martial arts as a kid, but when my parents couldn't afford continuing the classes, I stuck to practicing by myself. I had experience with meditation, and it rarely took long for me to "find my center". Now, however, I could feel, something. Like, a small, yet noticeably foreboding breeze, acting as a prelude to an oncoming storm. And I was in the center of it.

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