Time to get rid of those who are in a way

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Morgana and her guards rode to Valindria to get Anzu back to it. Anzu was in the carriage with the girls while she was tied up. "Who would of thought a princess would've look like that." Zira laughed. "Enough mocking her we have a task to focus on." Lavinia scolded her. As soon they neared the gates a trumpet was heard and the doors opened. Masking her face she guided her troops into the palace. Şah was watching from afar in the princes chambers balcony glaring as the queen and her caravan entered the palace. She got off her house and walked into the palace while the girls walked behind her bringing Anzu with them. Anzu crying and resisting was dragged into the imperial affair chambers of the Valindrian palace where the council bowed as they entered. Darkus was notified of her sister's presence and demanded to open the doors so he could leave. Şah followed him as she kept a little distance so she could see the queens face. Morgana ascended the steps of the hall to the throne and sat on it as the girl threw Anzu to the ground and took their place near the queen. "Today I bring you the Nubian princess who made a pact..." Morgana was interrupted but Darkus who entered the hall being followed by his men. "What's the meaning of this why is the council united here like this without my presence?!" Darkus barged in yelling. "Must I remind you who this kingdom belongs to brother?" Morgana along with Sekhmet warned him making him shiver. Morgana got up from her throne and walked up to were the throne were. "Have you ever seen her here?" Morgana asked. "Şah told me she was a servant sent from the Nubian king as an alliance." Darkus explained. "Since when do you allow your concubines in here and listen to the matters of the state?" Morgana asked as she curled her brother while he paled. "Your majesty he liked them to pleasure him while..." Gazanfer paşa bowed as Darkus glared at him. "How dare you bring them here did you see my father do that?!" Morgana slapped him so hard he fell down on his knees. "From now on Gazanfer and Fatih will be in charge of the imperial affairs you won't be allowed to step in the room until I return." Morgana order and walked down the stairs. "Please give me a chance to prove you I can be a good king!" Morgana smiled down at her brother while she grabbed his chin. Her eyes changed into black and red causing Darkus to try and cower in fear. "Bring girl in." Morgana ripped her cover off while turning his brother to see the guards holding his favorite concubine Şah. "Sis...sister what do you want to... do with her." Darkus asked trying not to move to much. When she grabbed his chin and looked at him with those eyes he felt her nails grew longer under his chin.

 When she grabbed his chin and looked at him with those eyes he felt her nails grew longer under his chin

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"She sent her to not only try to seduce the prince but faked that the Nubian king sent her to Egypt." Morgana said as she didn't let go of her brother. "Not only that she gave her instructions to put me against the prince and Egypt to get me executed and get rid of me so you could ascend to the throne." Morgana forced her brother to look at her. "Şah why did you do that you know you could be trailed for treason?!" Darkus yelled but shut up as soon as his sister put pressure on his neck. "If you hadn't been born of my mother and wasn't my twin I would've had you killed right now and this instant." Morgana whispered in his ear making him shake. Morgana dropped her brother down on the ground then looked at Anzu. "As for you, you'll be married to one of the council men." Morgana looked around and saw a blond messy haired bowing and a brunette who seemed to have a mow hawk. "Which of you two doesn't have a wife?" Morgana asked them the looked up and swiftly looked down. "Neither of us my queen." The blond one said with an accent. She sighed and looked at her brother who still sat there on the floor. "What are your names?" Morgana asked annoyed. "Jonochi Katsura your majesty." The blond one responded. "My name is Hiroto Honda your highness." The brunette responded. "Hiroto you'll marry the Nubian princess treat as you like she's not that important to her father the only thing is that you're from a high rank which you are." Morgana said as she motioned with her head to throw the princesses to the paşa. The brunette catches her and un gagged her. "How can you do this to me I deserve to be queen!" Anzu yelled. "Hiroto we will be celebrating your wedding today now take her away and get her ready out of my sight." Morgana massaged her temples. "As for her bring her down to be judge and grab the prince." Şah resisted as she was brought down the stairs and was forced to kneel down. "I'll have you beheaded as soon as I become queen!" She yelled to the guards. Morgana laughed causing her to cease her screaming and insults. "You Queen how impressive and how are you supposedly to achieve that? By killing me?" Morgana asked as she took her Valindrian sword out and placing under her chin. "If I must then yes!" Şah yelled as the council men and guards gasped. Darkus shook his head while crying. "You all heard her she..." Morgana was interrupted as she was stabbed by Şah on her side. Stumbling after Şah pulled the knife away and pushed her down. Şah ran to Darkus and knelt their with him hugging him. "It's over now my king she will no longer torment us." Şah whispered as Darkus cowered in fear way more. The girls rushed to Morgana who stood up like nothing happened and holds her hand up. Putting her royal sword inside the hilt she summoned her pact sword and walked up to where the coupled were. Morgana slashed Şah's back but not deep enough to kill her only to scar her. Şah screamed in agony as she collapsed onto Darkus who yelled at his sister. "If you want almost all the absolute reign you must do one thing." Morgana said as she stared with a sadden face at her brother. Her brother moved Şah out of his way and stood helping her as she clung onto him. Morgana walked to her throne and threw her pact sword to her brother. "Choose widely a chance to rule by my side or hers." Morgana said as she walked up the stairs. "Grab it and kill her now it's your chance!" Şah instructed. Darkus grabbed the sword and walked up following his sister but stopped halfway. "What you want me to do with this sister?" Darkus asked as he looked down at his concubine and then at her who kept walking up. "Kill her and I'll let you reign under my commands or kill me and you'll have the kingdom as your own." Morgana said monotone. "Darkus kill her you have the chance!" Şah yelled. "Kill me and you'll have the throne, kill me like you did to all of our brothers and sisters who were between the throne and you." Morgana closed her eyes waiting for the impact but it never happened. She heard someone grunting then falling to the ground. She turned around and saw Darkus sobbing as he pulled Morgana's sword out of Şah's body who shrieked and fell on the ground bleeding out. Darkus shaking he then ran up the stairs with the sword on his hand charging to Morgana. She smiled and made her sword disappear from his hands. Darkus confused stopped midway up the stairs looking his sister in surprise. "I said one or the other not both." Morgana said as she twirled her sword and made it disappear. "In order for you to have my full trust you'll have to win us the war of Zigetvar and you'll be king though the laws you make I must approve of them first of course." Morgana said as she walked to the throne and sat down. "That place is a fortress?!" Darkus yelled crying for the loss of his beloved. "Then things will follow through like they are now you'll stay a prince. Not going to be able to do anything just study more and play around with girls. You won't be able to set foot near on these halls." Morgana explained. "I'll prove you our kingdom will prevail." Darkus said. "Remember strategize wisely learn a way to outsmart those people and you'll have the crown and have my total back up." Morgana said to him. Darkus kneeled down in front of her and kissed her dress. "You'll not be disappointed my queen no Valindrian lives will be spared." Darkus said getting up. Morgana rose up and looked at her brother. "You must go now the guards are ready for war they just need my orders." Morgana said as she walked past him. "How did you know I wasn't going to kill you?" Darkus asked making her stop. "Because in the end it's you and I ever since we were little we promised we wouldn't harm each other that we would take the throne." Morgana said as she started down the stairs. "I got rid of them for you." Darkus said admitting he killed his 18 brother and sisters the day his father died. "19 coffins descended that day to the grave and you lied to me saying they went to our father's tomb first." Morgana said crying. "They did went to the tomb first before father..." Darkus stood there not facing his sister. "You even dared killed the pregnant concubines and the queens of our father!" Morgana yelled while she cried. "It was for our own good." Morgana went up and turned her brother to face her. "For our own good?! You killed innocent lives! What's next my life?!" Morgana asked wide eyed as she took a step back as she saw her brother curled his hands into fists. "I would never hurt you if I did it would've been like I'm hurting myself. You're part of me you're my twin sister the one who's the rightful heir not me. I'm just here to keep you from breaking apart like that day." Morgana shut her eyes and pushed her brother who hugged her as he talked. "You already had done enough to harm me Darakai leave now for war..." Morgana whipped her tears and left the chamber and got in the carriage along with her ladies. Entei followed close behind as they left for Egypt. "We are sorry my lady for what had happened to your family." Zira said as she bowed and hold the tears. "I had the suspicion he sent to kill them so I sent Gazanfer to investigate." Morgana said as she sobbed and hugged them all. "My queen do you think he will pose a threat later?" Ivy asked. "We will have to ask the fortune teller Isis she has the millennium necklace she sees the future." Morgana said whipping her tears. "We are almost in Egypt my queen." Alexa said looking out the carriage. "We still need to come forth with our plan we can't falter." Morgana said changing her posture and letting Sekhmet take control. As soon as the carriage arrived Sekhmet walked in to the garden with her ladies behind her making sure they would go unnoticed. Isis was moving her hand through the pond while admiring the ripples she made making the image of the moon a bit distorted. "Hello my queen." Isis said without looking up making them stop there in shock. "I saw that you would seek my aid." Isis said as she stop messing with the water and looked up to meet their eyes. "I wanted to ask you about my brother does he poses a threat to me and this kingdom?" Sekhmet asked while Morgana listen closely. "You and him might have drifted apart more than you think it seems my queen later on I'm afraid his life will be endangered because of that." Isis said as she showed her a vision on the pond. It was Darkus with the army marching toward and attacking Thebes. Tears fell from Sekhmet's eyes seeing that her only hope being killed by someone who would frame the prince to turn her against him. "Morgana mustn't know this." Sekhmet whispered. "I know there's a fertility ritual from my kingdom knowing your people investigated, do you guys have a scroll?" Sekhmet asked. Isis nodded as she sat down on the bench in front of the pond. "It's in the records ask Mana where is located she spends all her time there for studying." Isis said. Sekhmet nodded in acknowledgment and then whispered in Isis ear. "Is my brother's survival important to whatever the future holds?" Isis nodded and showed a vision where it was in the future where both her and her brother fight. "My queen beware of Aknadin he posses a big threat to the kingdom." Sekhmet looked up from Isis to see Aknadin peeking from the pillars. "He's standing near its best we talk another day." Sekhmet whispered to Isis causing her to nod. "Ah yes my queen Mana will certain become a great magician." Isis said trying to make Aknadin believe that's what they were talking about. "Oh my what a relief she asked me to ask you multiple times but I wanted to know for myself I'm going to go tell her have a nice night Isis." Sekhmet walked away towards the study hall hoping she would meet Mana instead of Atem. As they were nearing the hall she heard Atem's voice. "I'm going to check if my father is alright then I'll check if Morgana is here now." Atem said waving goodbye to Mana who stood there by the door. Morgana and the ladies hid behind some pillars and jars so Atem wouldn't notice. After Atem left Morgana and the girls went to Mana who was about to speak but Morgana put her finger on front of her lips shushing her. "Let's get inside we need to talk." Morgana whispered to Mana who agreed. After closing the door and making sure no one was around Morgana walked up to Mana who was slouching in her chair. "I need your help finding a scroll do you know where are the records your people have of a Valindria?" Morgana asked. Mana thought hard then jumped up smiling. "Ah yes follow me and take that torch with you." Mana instructed as she headed to the passageway to the scroll room. They got out of the passageway and walked around for a few minutes till Mana gestured to the book case full of scrolls. "Here they are any specific topic?" Mana asked curious. "There's a ritual for our people to be able to carry children I need that." Morgana explained. Mana scratched her head while think meanwhile the girls opened the scrolls up to check where it was. "Is this it? I don't know that much Egyptian." Zira asked confused. The girls gathered around Zira and read the scroll. "Yes that's the one." Morgana shuttered upon seeing what the ritual consisted of. "Well what else we need?" Lavinia asked as she looked at her queen. "There's a book over here with a bunch of recipes and spells might want to take this too." Mana handed the heavy book to Azra who almost fell on how heavy it was. "Gather trust worthy healers and guards wait we need the scroll that tells us where theses rituals are..." Mana cleared her throat making Morgana turn to her. "Easy there's chamber in the palace called the halls of rituals. We need to take the passageway that takes us to the stalls then from there to the passageway that leads us through the entire castle that has the most tunnel ways." Mana said sure of herself. "Can you take us there?" Morgana asked. "Sure let's all gather in the stalls to get everyone who's helping you there then we can all go to the hall." Mana said. They walked back to the study hall and went to the passageway to the stalls. Mana was making sure no one noticed when the door opened and she closed the passageway closing the girls inside. "Atem What are you doing here?" Mana asked while leaning on a bookshelf. "Well I saw that Morgana's caravan was here but there's no sight of her anywhere so I thought she maybe with you." Atem said as he plopped down on his chair. "Um.... maybe she's taking a stroll around the palace perhaps to the harem she probably wants to know about the place I've seen her there lately." Mana lied to him. "Alright I'll go and check if she's there." Atem said leaving not knowing that only going there will cause all the girls there to try get his attention.
     Mana walked into the passageway all the way to the stalls where Morgana waited with two of her ladies. "Where are the others?" Mana asked confused.  "Coming with the healers and guards." Alexa answered. "You took long what excuse you told him." Morgana said as she gave Entei some food. "That you where in the harem." Mana answered while Morgana started laughing. "That's the last place I would think of going if he's searching me but good job." Morgana praised her. The rest of the girls came back with the soldiers and healers that they could count on. "Are they enough? Mana asked. "Yup lets get going." Ivy said as they started following Mana to the main passageway. After walking for several minutes they found the correct tunnel to where the passageway led to the hall of rituals. They sent in the guards first to cover the other soldiers who were watching the area. After one of them gave them the signal Morgana and the group moved towards the hall. "We will get everything ready please stay here till we call you." One of the main healers instructed before they left inside. Morgana paced nervously and talked with Sekhmet through their mind. "I can't do this." Morgana said. Sekhmet appeared in shadow form walking next to her. "What the hell do you mean you can't? This isn't the time to chicken out we need that child." Sekhmet argued. "I know but I can't bear to presence this can you take over?" Morgana asked fearful. "I'm the same here too but I'll take the hit for both of us we can't falter." Sekhmet said as she took over.  The healer walked back outside to speak to them. "My queen everything is ready enter when you're ready." Sekhmet looked up at the girls who started walking in but she stopped them. "Don't worry girls you guys stay here Mana will be there with me I don't want you guys to get hurt if anything happens you must guard here." Sekhmet said with sureness in her voice so they would follow her wishes. "We will wait for you here even though we don't agree." Hiromi said pouting. "She's right we will always stand by your side my queen till the end." Chu Qiao said as she bowed and the others bowed with her. "She's right, now go my queen Mana can keep us updated." Eva said as she hugged them both. Sekhmet and Morgana breathed deeply and walked in not knowing what was going to happen to them.

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