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chapter three, IN REAL LIFE.
( date : may 20th, 2020 )


five minutes after arriving at the party, alaina and her friends were already jamming out to their favorite songs which were being played on the speaker. the trio was dancing around, screaming at the top of their lungs.

alaina was beyond happy. she was able to let the stress, that was piling up inside of her, out. the trio danced for hours before eventually being forced to be separated when kara found a guy to hook up with & daniella was busying playing beer pong with a group of strangers.

alaina chuckled at her friends and decided to get herself a cup of soda. she refused to drink alchohol, after seeing what it did to her father. but that was a story for another day.

however, while alaina was pouring her cup of soda, she heard the crowd that was in the living room,  was cheering and chanting something that was too difficult for her make out of. in curiosity, alaina peered her head from out of the kitchen to find out the cause of the noise.

but, she regretted her actions within seconds. in the middle of the crowd was a beautiful petite blonde who was smiling warmly at everyone. a girl she didn't recognise. and next to her, was a particular ginger-haired boy which she could instantly recognise anywhere who had his arms around her shoulders.

alaina felt the air around her thicken as she placed her cup of soda down. she wanted to leave so desperately but something in her was curious to find out the identity of the girl. alaina stared at the pair as she finally realised what the crowd was chanting.


"so this is alison huh?" alaina whispered to herself.

vinnie hacker. the guy who made alaina numb to the feeling of love was standing metres away from her. alaina stared at the pair and before she could process what was going on, vinnie was pressing his lips onto the blonde, also known as the girl named alison. alaina could have sworn that he had looked at her directly before kissing the blonde.

alaina turned around frantically and started searching for her friends, but failed to find them. she cursed under her breath and ran out of the house through the back door. tears were piling up but she refused to let them go. alaina ran and ran without knowing where she was headed before eventually stopping in exhaustion.

with shaky hands, she whipped out her phone and dialled for an uber, which came within minutes. throughout the whole uber ride, alaina had forced herself to keep it together even though the pain that was inside of her was unbearable. nobody was allowed to see her cry. to alaina, crying was a sign of weakness.

eventually, she made it back home and thanked the uber driver in a rush. alaina unlocked the front door of her house and entered quietly. she didn't want to her mother to see her in this awful state. she didn't want add on to the long list of worries her mom had.

once she reached her room, she shut the door tightly and leaned against the door for support. the tears that she had been holding in escaped and eventually, she became a crying mess. letting out all her raw emotions that had been piling up inside of her.

"i can't fucking do it" alaina whispered to herself before eventually falling asleep.

𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐄𝐑 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄, vinnie hacker.Where stories live. Discover now