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this chapter will get gross, be careful!!



"wow i think it's the first time we've gone somewhere by ourselves in awhile." i said as i sipped my drink.

"yeah, you know maybe we can consider this a proper first date." gyeom rested his chin on his hand.

"maybe," i paused, "how was practice?"

"good, we have a comeback soon and i might end up being busier soon, so far most of the choreography has been easy." gyeom continued to talk about the concept but he tried to remain as non descriptive as possible so i could watch the mv.

"you know, i don't think i've ever googled you." i said beginning to pull out my phone.

"oh god please don't look up our debut." he rubbed his temples.

"it's like you want me to see your embarrassing side." i said laughing.

i typed in, got7 debut photos, and immediately, pictures of the baby faced members came up.

"awh, bam had such chubby cheeks back then." i said showing the phone to gyeom.

"yeah, but look at me though." gyeom whined.

"you all look so different, and your hair is just..." i trailed off

"just?" gyeom smirked, already knowing what'd i say.

"it's hideous." we started laughing at how bad their wardrobe choices were.

when the laughter died down i heard a soft clicking sound.

i tensed up


could it be?

i turned to look behind me, making sure to shield my face.

there was a man, taking pictures with a camera hanging from his neck.

when i turned i caught him furiously pressing the button.

i quickly turned back around and gave gyeom a look.

"we have to leave." i said

"why? what's wrong?" he reached across the table to reach for my hand.

"don't, there's dispatch or something, i don't know who they are but they're clearly taking photos of us."

his face looked alarmed and panicked.

he left about 6,000 won on the table before we got up and rushed out of the restaurant.

the man quickly followed behind us.

"run, go get in my car and turn it on." i said tossing gyeom my keys.

he did as he was told as he was told as i stopped the photographer.

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