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no text or calls, nothing. nothing from him since that day. nothing except for that album. he didn't return my call after the voicemail i sent. the only person i'd kept contact with was jae. even then, we never talked about yugyeom. he knew to leave that part of my life untouched.

untouched, filled with memories that were surreal and happy, yet worrisome all at once. the days that i had spent with yugyeom were worth a lifetime.

i was at work one day, making calls, dealing with customers and sponsorships and budget expansions. i got a call through the work phone. i answered it the way i usually would.

"primitive clothing, head of finances speaking, how can i help you?"


i sat up straight, startled that whoever was on the line knew my name. "yes?"

"it's jackson... jackson wang. listen, can i meet you for lunch?"

"uh... sure."

we worked out the details and i hung up. i was nervous and worried, what did jackson have to discuss that was so important. could it have been about yugyeom? did something happen?


"how are promotions going?" i said as i sipped my tea.

"good." jackson said stiffly.

i nodded awkwardly. we stayed quiet for a long moment. the silence killed me, and i was itching to leave already.

had it been that long since we'd talked normally?

"just to cut to the chase, i'm gonna be honest kanpo."

i gestured for jackson to keep talking.

"yugyeom isn't well, he fractured something in his ankle, and he thinks it's the end of the world. he's so dramatic he thinks he won't be able to dance again but we both know him, he's gonna be able to. moral of the story, he's been slummed and he's kinda depressed so i was wondering if you could come with me to visit him."

Jackson said this all in one quick breath, he gave me a longing look. a look that begged me with everything within him to please go see yugyeom.

i hesitated, "jackson, it's been great seeing you, but if i saw yugyeom i don't know how i'd be able to handle it."

"kanpo please, just give him a few minutes. just some of your time, he's not well. he talks about you all the time. just go see him for a bit."

i shook my head, "i think i should go." i got up to leave, taking out a few bills from my wallet.

"kanpo, just please, consider it." he slipped a small paper into my hand. i stared at the paper for a moment, the name of the hospital and a room number.

"bye jackson." i waved and walked out of the cafe.

i went back to work, my mind clouded with the possibility of seeing yugyeom again. i wasn't sure if i was even mentally prepared to see him again. he didn't even bother calling back, so why would i worry about him? clearly i wasn't anything important to him if he hadn't even bothered to say anything back.

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