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i wasn't asked anything about the scandal in our recent shoot. we were able to go home early and i decided to visit kanpo after she got out of work.

before though, i went to a store and went to buy her flowers and a few snacks i knew she'd enjoy.

by the time i had finished it was around 5 and by the time i made it to her place it was 6:03, so i was hoping maybe she'd be home by now.

i got to her home and thanked the driver and walked up to her door.

for some reason i was weirdly nervous, although i wasn't sure why.

i knocked and heard kuma barking. after a few seconds, the door swung open.

kanpo opened the door slowly and her face immediately lit up. something had changed, her hair color was now a dirty blonde.

i was surprised but she still looked beautiful as ever.

"you changed your hair." i said, reaching out to touch the strands on her shoulder.

"yeah, i thought maybe it'd be more difficult for people to figure out my identity if i dyed it." she shrugged and took my hand and pulled me inside before closing the door.

"this is for you." i said, holding out the flowers and snacks.

she smiled and kissed my cheek, "you didn't have to."

"i wanted to though." i said before kissing her forehead.

as she put the flowers in a vase i played with kuma for a moment before settling myself onto the couch.

"how was work?" i asked as i played with my phone.

"good, we've been getting a lot of orders lately, i guess the company is finally taking off." she said as she walked over and sat on the couch next to me.

"that's good, do you guys sell men's clothes too?"

"yeah, but there aren't a lot of options. we're thinking of expanding once i finish my degree." she explained as she turned to tv on and flipped through channels.

"how come they're waiting?" i asked as i put my phone down.

"the ceo is my cousins sister in law, and she hired me on the aspect that i'd get my degree. so once i get it, i can handle our budget and business decisions and such. after we expand our line, we're hoping to move to a different building and expand the staff." she said.

"oh wow, so i guess you guys are gonna expand a lot if you're willing to hire more staff. it's good though, that you're going to immediately be putting your degree into action."

"yeah, thats what i liked about the idea too."

we sat in silence for awhile as we began to watch a random show on tv.

"how was the shoot?" she suddenly said turning to me.

"good, they didn't ask any questions about the scandal." i replied.

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