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so here i was in a ramen shop, with gyeom and suho.

while conversating over the food, i learned that suho isn't a producer for jype but that he's a solo artist, sometimes he samples gyeom's voice in his beats and sells it to other rappers.

we had just gotten our food when gyeom got a phone call.

he looked at his phone, seemingly confused and answered, raising the phone to his ear.

"hello?" he said looking at the table.



"ramen shop by my apartment,"

"really? like right now?"

"all of you?"

"she's not my girlfriend," he mumbled nervously.

"jesus ok, bye."

"who was it?" suho asked as he slurped his noodles.

"bam." gyeom replied shoveling food into his mouth.

"bam? are they all coming?" suho got a worried look on his face.

"yeah, we'll see how long we last without getting mobbed." gyeom said softly as he continued eating.

i watched this all unfold as i quietly ate my food, i had hardly talked but then again, i wasnt feeling too well.

within the next ten minutes, we talked more about our lives and what our daily routine was.

i saw the front door of the restaurant open and a group of young guys walked in.

yugyeom turned and seemed to recognize them as he stood up and started hugging and greeting them.

thankfully, there weren't too many people at the restaurant as they all soon began to get rambunctious.

after the boys all finished greeting one another they sat down. initially, suho and gyeom were across from me so the seats next to mine were empty.

"kanpo, i'd like to introduce you to the band i'm in." gyeom said as the group began to greet me as well.

he pointed to each guy and gave me their names one by one. i came to realize, gyeom was the youngest.

we all sat back down again, but this time i was in between jinyoung and jackson.

jackson was immediately very charming. he began telling me his whole life story, from when he lived in hong kong where he learned martial arts, and how he was so thankful to have been with got7 for so long.

i smiled and nodded and asked him questions, to which he answered all of them.

after we our conversation died down, i turned to jinyoung.

he smiled politely at me.

"you look familiar." i said tilting my head.

"really? i can't imagine why." he said with a mischievous look in his eyes.

"he's bluffing, jinyoungs been acting for a while now, and he's been in a few k dramas." yugyeom said rolling his eyes.

i laughed, "which ones?" i said turning back to jinyoung.

he named a few and talked about his experience on them, he didn't spoil any endings for me though in case i was interested in watching them.

"wait, you were in he's psychometric, right?"

he nodded.

my jaw instinctively dropped.

i covered my mouth and almost damn near cried.

"that's where i know you from." i immediately started fangirling and squealing about all his cool scenes and how good his acting was.

jinyoung took the compliments politely and we continued talking about the show and how it was working on the set until his food arrived.

jackson nudged my shoulder and whispered in my ear, "i think your little boyfriends jealous." i peaked a glance at yugyeom who looked somewhat bothered as he continued his conversation with bambam.

i laughed lightly and whispered back, "he's not my boyfriend."

jackson smirked and said, "well he sure talks about you a lot."

i felt myself blush and turn away to look at yugyeom.

yugyeom turned to look at me.

we held each other's gaze for a moment, until he smiled and winked at me.

"ewwwww," jackson said laughing.

"hyungggg," gyeom whined.

"oh my god you haven't said it like that in so long." jinyoung said laughing.

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