Chapter IV

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<<Mono Third Person P.O.V>>

The wind blew,making the trees rustle and swing in the night.It was calming,and soothing.Yet a little unsettling since anything can pop or ambush during the silence.Luckily Mono and Six stole some weapons from The shack.He didn't feel like stealing anything-But it was better than having nothing to protect yourself from unaturals-especially Vampires.

Mono still had and forever will have his trenchcoat,mostly because he's a trenchcoat Boi and that severe bite 'The Thing' gave him.He didn't know why wearing his paperbag was really necessary to bring here-nobody sneaks out at night,it was only Six and him doing that,so no worries.Yet he still wore it.

Six had her white tank top on her,Nobody really ever seen her without her yellow raincoat so it was pretty rare to see her without it.Mono was really the only person Six felt comfortable taking off her raincoat.She had it tied to her waist,along with her shotgun hanging from her back with a holder.So did Mono,except he also had his favorite personal Knife with him.

It was silent,really silent.Only hearing the trees rustle,the wind wizzing past the duo's ears and the *CRUNCH* of footsteps walking over dead leaves.(Or other stuff)

But it was too silent.

Mono felt uncomfortable with the silence,hated it actually.The only time he would really enjoy it was when nobody was around-just himself.But Six was here with him,and they both weren't talking at all.

Six had the notebook,also carrying a flashlight,and everytime Mono stared or looked at the notebook it would make him wonder if Dean Winchester ever noticed it missing.If he did,that would be bad,and if he found out who stole it-That would be worse.

Mono cleared his dry voice from the lack of wind drying it.He swallowed."So...What's up with you and Two?"

Six looked at him,and they were walking side by side,so Mono could really feel her gaze slightly burn his.Why did it look like she was pissed?

"N-nothing-why?Wait why are you asking me?"Six stuttered.Mono could see tint of red in her cheeks due to the lamp lighting her face slighlty.He suddenly felt like teasing her-or annoying her with the truth.Mono honestly thought on why he ask that question-but hey,he wanted to hear something spicy,or interesting.Well...Especially on what happened at grillby's bar last week.

Mono wasn't at the party in grillby's,but Sunny told him what went down-and oh boy was he mad.

"Six,have you questioned about your sexuality..?"Mono immediately regretted about the question,but he already said it.So nothing he could do about it now.Part of him was really curious on Six's sexuality however-It made him feel a little guitly.

Six flipped the pages,ignoring his question.She then pointed to the notebook's page and pointed to a direction at a group or huddle of trees.

"T-the page says the direction is north,so it should be this way!"

Six ran to the trees-dropping Dean Winchester's book in the process.She still held the flashlight however,it shined through the dark-almost pitch black forest.It looked more like a firefly lighting very brightly-and it was bad.It meant that Six was getting further away way from him-and she had the flashlight-not him.

"Wait Six!!!"Mono yelled as he picked up the notebook and chased after her.The wind-now whizzing faster past his shoulders and his trench coat gliding through it.He wasn't cold-but more cold-sweating.(Is that even a thing?)As Mono reached the trees which Six was pointing at-He noticed the forest getting more denser,and deeper.Almost no trail track,or dirt track.He could still see Six's flashlight moving through the darkness-as it was getting bigger.

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