Chapter X

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 Note from present KT: 

I'm guessing that you're questioning if I ever will continue this book or post but before you say anything. Yes, yes I will, I'm making the long, intense chapters, basically, you guys deserve at least something, because I haven't even posted anything. This a chapter I was planning to post along with the others, but then no.

But it's for a good reason, I'm writing and creating chapters for my current books and other books I have not yet released. Sorry Not Sorry


The dark, looming abyss he would encounter at times was something he hated, cold surveyed him, taunting him. No sound was heard as only his calm, steady breaths could be shallowly heard. His beating and pitter-patter of his feet rhythmed, flowed in sync as he looked around, seeking desperately for help, for guidance, something about werewolves, and what to know about them-

Mono was already, sorta used to this. It wasn't as terrifying but really eerie; everything was black, an endless space that you couldn't reach to a dead point. Trapping you inside here forever. And only those terrifying bright glowing eyes stood out than anything, everything else.

He needed to know.

Mono needed to know something. At the very least, it looked mysterious too, and he knew it knew more than meets the eye. Wise, the pose it stood, confidently and elegantly, is that what he's supposed to look like when he's like that?

Whatever the werewolf was, it had to know at the very least something, anything would be helpful, something.

Its eyes glowed, wolfish teeth gleamed in the light of its unnatural fiery eyes, it stood right in front of Mono, for a brief moment Mono wasn't sure if this was even a dream or reality thing anymore.

But he knew it was something.

He shuddered at how massive this thing was," I need your help."The hint of tremble in his voice confirmed that. But it looked like it could shred him to pieces, not to mention he was alone, secluded from anyone else but this thing. But this wasn't reality, this is all in his mind we're talking about.

"Isn't that why I'm here?"The large beast looked into Mono's eyes, "But I won't always be there."

Mono with wide eyes stepped back and stupidly fell. Ok, ok, he didn't really see this coming, he wasn't prepared, and now sucking the information this thing has.

"I want to introduce ourselves, and if we are going to be allies, I don't want you and me as strangers."The wolf raised its head up high and then lowered it, Mono figured it was some sort of thing werewolves do, "I am Nala, and from now on I will be your ally."

Mono managed to stand up again, "Ally? Why are we allies-

"There is something I can sense, Mono. Something bad in this village, and with you transforming in a week there is an advantage we have."Nala sat and looked at him in the eye, and suddenly he felt pressure building against his body, something about Nala made him had a lot of pressure than he normally had.

"What are you saying, Nala?"Mono whispered."Something bad in this village..?"

"Have you already told your comrades about this?" Nala suddenly blurted out, and Mono's body felt immense pressure, like a weight crushing him. He didn't want to believe it, he never asked for this, maybe. Maybe if he hadn't checked what the noise was, maybe if he just listened to Six-

"A-about what..?"He didn't want to say it.

"You have to tell them, now." Her voice suddenly dropped with force, almost demanding. No, it was a demanding order.

"Nala I can't!"Mono whined."What will they think of me? Nala, I could lose all of my friends and everything!"He had no clue what to do, he loved his friends, he trusted them, but now he wasn't so sure anymore, and nobody knew about this, someone could rattle him out and it would be over for him.

"That is why you have him, he will help you."

Mono stopped, froze with realization, he had forgotten about-"Seven? You mean the vampire that I-

"Yes."Nala smiled."He told you he knew something about us."

He recalled the day when he saw seven there, he mentioned something like that, and it relieved him. It gave some sort of hope, at least he wasn't alone on this. But Mono reminded himself that Seven was a monster, he was a thing that feasted nothing but blood, he was a vampire, a monster.

And so was Mono. Well, starting to be one.

"He is a lot smarter and clever than most vampires, and I have been watching him from afar for these few years. He has done an excellent job of staying hidden from them." She spat out the last part, a deep growl followed." He is nothing like what I have seen before."

"He is unnatural from what I have seen, "Nala said. "It impresses me."

Mono slowly had to process this and with a sigh, he furrowed his eyebrows. "What you're telling me is that I have to trust him, you can't be so sure-

"You do not know anything, Mono, "Nala stood up, looming over him with the intensity once again."I recommend you to do as I say."

"Who-who should I tell?"Mono blurted out. The question had lingered in his mind, he trusted his friends, they were trustworthy, something this important they would never tell, surely that's right.

"That, Mono, is up to you. You know them well than I do."Nala said.

Mono's breathing hitched, "W-what..?"He never expected for her to say-"Are you kidding me..? You surely know who I need to tell!?" His tone was mixed, he was full of mixed emotions at the moment, but from the lack of her tone, she didn't seem to be bothered by this at all.

"As I said, you know them well than I do."

"Nala please..."Mono pleaded. "Tell me what I need to do!"

"It is up to you, I am just merely an ally of you, and I cannot tell you until you are to figure things on your own."Nala stood up once again, "Your human and werewolf instincts are to guide you."

Nala began walking away."You have Seven there."

Mono had no clue what to do. Everything felt numb, his mind empty and frozen on the spot and conclusions ran through him, he was going through a process of evolving into a werewolf, who was to trust, what will happen, what would his friends think of him, this, he was going to change but what will change? time almost seemed to stop, for a brief moment.

"Mono, wake up."

And suddenly his body felt something warm.

1181 WORDS

Edit from present KT: So I was going to post this with the other chapters, but then I felt bad, it's been long since I last posted, and I don't wanna leave ya'll out so I decided to post this chapter that I already made, and it's short.

Sorry Not Sorry. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

but don't worry, the others will be pretty long, though I'm literally trying to resist posting the 4 chapters right now.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2020 ⏰

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