Accidental date

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Hizashi Yamada Pov:

Today's it, today is the day I ask Aizawa out! I walk around the corner to see Aizawa and I walk up to him happy, tapping my feet and listening to music with my headphones. I've liked him ever since we first met and we've known each other since we were kids. Once I get there I greet a sleepy Shouta with a wide grin on my lightly freckled and blushy face.

I wave at him and tap him on the arm causing him to jump out of his skin, I laugh softly and wave at him again. Patting the sleepy boy's head with my hand as I did so, I tilt my head to the side and grin at him happily. Playing with his hair causing him to blush "God he's cute!" I think with a light blush on my cheeks. I speak after a while with a wide grin

"Hi Shouta! I was wondering... date tomorrow?!"

Shouta Aizawa pov:

I groan as I hear the loud boy's voice, I nod softly and tell him the date for tomorrow, "God he's a moron." I think with a sleepy look on my face, I tilt my head to the side and speak after a little while. A purr came out of my mouth as Yamada pet my head and I blushed a little more with a huff

"Tomorrow is the sixteenth, god you need to keep up with things..."

I mumbled and kept allowing him to pet my head while looking at the floor, Yamada pulled his hand away and I got slightly confused as he did so. I tilt my head to the side with a little frown now on my sleepy face

Yamada pov:

I move my hand away and start to mumble a bit loudly, I had always not been able to mumble softly due to my quirk. I stare at the ground and keep mumbling with a bright blush now on my cheeks while I stand there mumbling and rubbing the back of my blonde hair. Softly tapping my foot on the ground to calm myself down

"Well uhm.. that's not exactly what I meant Shouta-"

Aizawa pov:

I got more confused and tilted my head to the side more, a cat-like intrigued look in my bloodshot eyes. I speak after a while in my monotone deep voice, mumbling under my breath since I'm a rather quiet person. I tap my foot along with his and look down at it with a frown

"What did you mean?"

Yamada pov:

I feel my heart start to pound in my chest as I bit my lip nervously, I had always been nervous around Aizawa especially right now when I had asked him out and he thought I was asking for the date of the month. I gulp and speak after a while in my nervous and loud voice

"Will you go out with me?!?!"

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