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Shouta Pov:

His lap... why his lap... I think to myself laying in Hizashi's arms with my arms crossed over one another, crimson still dusting my face. I huff and curl up in a ball into Hizashi's arms. God dammit... his arms are so comfortable. I cuddled up to him causing the taller to chuckle. Stupid blonde...I listened to the click clacking of Mic's shoes until we get back to my house and I hand him my house keys. He unlocked the door and walked in.

He was almost immediately greeted by my cat and I laughed softly. Mic kneeled down keeping me in his arms as he used his hand to pet Callie. She mewed hungrily and sniffed his hand before licking his finger

"She's hungry Mic."

Mic Pov:

I nod softly and look down at the short ravenette. A smile plastering my face. I gesture to the cat then get off my knees, fixing Aizawa's position in my arms so he could get comfortable. I felt Shouta cuddle up once more causing me to chuckle happily, I asked him where the cat food was and he gestured to a cabinet in the kitchen. I walk over to that cabinet and pull out some food before pouring it in a bowl. This food seems rather expensive... and the bowl too... welp just means he cares a lot for his cats! I smile as I feel the cat nuzzle my leg before chowing down on its food

"So Shouta, what's its name?"

"Her name is Callie."

"Awww. Cute."

I smile a bit more as I see a light smile come onto Shouta's face then leave. I walk over to the living room couch and sit Aizawa in my lap, causing him to fluster slightly and me to chuckle once more. I rub my hands through his hair and see him cross his arms over and hear him huff lowly.

Shouta Pov:

Dammit- I have such a weak spot for pets... I grumble and nuzzle his hand with crimson on my face, feeling him kiss my head. I go an even deeper shade of red. Crossing my leg over the other and leaning towards his hand close, hearing one of my many cats walking around the house but not coming into the living room. I feel Hizashi put his hands on my waist and pull me close to him, I gulp to myself and stare at the floor slightly wide eyed. Is he doing this on purpose?! I huff and cross my legs and arms over tightly.

Hizashi started to kiss my face all over and I closed my eyes tightly until he placed a kiss on my lips, not breaking the kiss at any moment. Pulling my head close to his and kissing me a bit deeper. I was bright red and my face was really warm, Hizashi chuckled into the kiss and slid his tongue across my lips. I gulp and slowly open my mouth, causing Yamada to slip his tongue in and explore my mouth. I wrap my legs around him and close my eyes tightly, wrapping my arms around his neck after I did my legs on his waist

Hizashi Pov:

So precious!! I smirk and pull his waist close, so tiny heh... my face was slightly pink but I just kept kissing the bright red ravenette, feeling him scoot up close on my lap and getting comfortable. I smirk wider and grasp his ass. Hearing him whine a bit I squeeze and tangle our tongues together, a battle of tongues practically going on in our mouths. I flip us around and pin him on the couch, pulling away from air before immediately going back to kissing him. Shouta squirmed around, I could tell he was a bit nervous so I rub my fingers on his back and one on his other hand to calm him down.

Shouta stopped squirming and I pin the other hand to the couch, wrapping his leg around my back and pulling him up. Kissing him deeply and passionately. I pull away for air and open my eyes, seeing a flustered and close eyed Shouta under me. I chuckle and start slipping my shirt off, looking around to make sure that no blinds were open. Thank god they weren't, I smirk as I see him open his eyes and look my shirtless body up and down

"Awee Shouta~"

Shouta Pov:

Dammit- I gulp and slip my own shirt off, watching Hizashi get undressed with slightly widened eyes. I see him slip his underwear off then widen my eyes more- fuck that's big-. I slip my own underwear off and see the taller blonde look me up and down with a smirk on his face, I bite my lip and feel him pin one of my hands back down on the couch, putting three fingers in front of my mouth


I hear him say, I nod softly and slowly open my mouth. Feeling him thrust his fingers in my mouth, I suckle on them and he waits until they get wet before pulling them out of my mouth and lining up one with my entrance, I bite my lip harshly and gasp under my breath as I feel him slide one into me.

Hizashi Pov:

He's already a mess.. how cute~ I smirk widely and start to thrust my finger in and out, hearing him make small little noises and seeing him use his other hand to cover his mouth up. I shake my head and thrust harder, causing him to let out a small noise

"Come on listener let me hear you~"

Shouta leaned his head back and uncovered his mouth as I thrust another finger in. I heard him let out a moan, I chuckled and started scissoring my fingers in him. He let out more small noises and I thrust into his prostate, I heard him make a rather loud noise so I kept thrusting into the previous spot with my fingers, he gasped and moaned multiple times and I slipped a third finger in. Causing him to let out a yelp of pleasure, I started to scissor my fingers around in him again and he bit his lip.

"Now now,little listener let me hear you scream for me~"

Shouta Pov:

My mind I can't- god he's good- I was letting out loud noises of pleasure and god that was embarrassing, what if someone heard me? Me EraserHead, teacher of All Might's successor, a hero is a bottom? I feel the fingers slip out of me and I gulp, knowing what was about to happen. I felt Yamada slam into me and I gasped, letting out a loud moan of pleasure. He didn't even give warning before starting to thrust in and out of me, I let out the noises since I couldn't cover my mouth up with my hands as they had been pinned down onto the couch

"Miiicc ngaahh~~!!"

Hizashi Pov:

Wow he's such a loud bottom. How adorable~ I smirk and slam into his prostate, causing the small ravenette to let out a loud moan and make me smirk wider. I keep slamming into the same spot, eventually getting Aizawa and myself to our climaxes. I start panting softly but keep going into the loud, moaning Aizawa. Getting to the point where I feel as though I might cum soon, seeing Sho start to drip precum. I slam into him a few more times before cumming deep inside his prostate and causing us both to let out a moan, of course Aizawa's was louder.

"Aww such a cute bottom~"

Shouta Pov:

I pant softly under Mic and slowly flutter my eyelids open with a grunt as I feel him pull out, I'm not gonna walk for weeks- dammit... I gulp and slowly stop panting, Mic gets off of me and goes to get paper towels to clean up me and the couch. Mic comes back and cleans us and the couch off then we lay together on the couch, too sleepy to get dressed.

"G-good night..."

"Good night my little listener~"

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