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Shouta pov:

A cat cafe sounds amazing... I think to myself with a slight smile from cats being mentioned. I had always adored cats and thought they were the cutest things on earth, my eyes glisten slightly, I was very excited and I just nodded softly and put my hands in my pockets before starting to walk out the building and waiting for Hizashi to come with

I put my book bag with papers and stuff in it over  my shoulder and looked at the floor while I walked off, I heard Hizashi stumble to keep up and I laughed a bit under my breath.

Hizashi Pov:

Damn for a short guy he's fast! I stumble to keep up and hear Shouta chuckle. I grumble a bit under my breath and keep walking with him, catching up eventually and grabbing his hand causing the shorter male to fluster a bit. I smile and giggle under my breath

We eventually left the school and saw Nemuri, Shouta pulled his hand away quickly at that and put it in his pocket.

Nemuri Pov:

I see the two boys walking together and my eyes light up as I wave at them and walk over, seeing Shouta pull his hand away from something but having no idea what that was. I talk to the two awhile before the two left my side

Shouta Pov: 

Damn that was close- she could've taken pictures and shown everyone eventually once we were out of sight I grab Hizashi's hand again and grumble lowly, looking at the sidewalk while I went towards the cat cafe he had suggested.

Once we got there I went in and was greeted by a small black cat. I grin slightly and pull my hand away before kneeling down and petting the kitten happily

Hizashi Pov:

I giggle and look down at the two black haired boys. I smile and kneel down by Shouta before being greeted by another black cat. There were tons of cats in the cafe so I looked around at all the different cats seeing Shouta looking like a little kid in a candy store.

I smile a bit at the cute expression then ask him what he wanted to order from the store.

"What would you like?"

Shouta spoke after a bit then went back to petting the cat

"Mocha frappe."

"You? Drinking something sweet?"
I say with a small grin

"Well duh. I like sweets."
Shouta grumbled then smiled wider as the kitten pawed at his hand and licked his finger

Shouta Pov:

So cute! Cats are so cute! I smiled more than allowed the kitten to hop in my lap with a happy look plastering my face which was very unusual for me. I heard Hizashi ordering, then looked over to see he was ordering food too. I continue to pet the cat while glancing over at Zashi now and then.

Once he finished ordering he walked back over with his hands in his pockets.

Hizashi Pov:

I plop down in a seat then wave Shouta over, once I see him coming over I grin once more then pull him down in my lap causing him to fluster a bit. I chuckle and lean my head on his shoulder looking at the smaller malein my lap. I casually started petting him like you would a cat and he crossed his arms over and grumbled.

He's so cute oh my goodness! He eventually calmed down a bit and I felt him nuzzle my hand with a huff. I laugh lowly and hug him close causing him to fluster more. I could tell he was very touch starved so I just kept doing it happily.

I heard the tapping of shoes and then our drinks were sat down on the table, I thanked the waiter then Shouta snatched his coffee and some cake I had got for him. I had gotten myself some green tea and a cheesecake. I picked up both the things I got myself and started to sip and eat.


Fuckin- why did he have to put me in his lap?!! I sip on my coffee with crimson dusting my face as I sat in his lap all flustered and embarrassed, I had been very touch starved so this was making me really nervous and shy. This was so unlike me, I usually hated being touched.

I felt him wrap his arms around my waist and my eyes widen, I started to scarf down the cake to distract myself from the hands all over me and stare at the table wide eyed. Crimson all over my face and the tips of my ears. I finished the cake very quickly and Hizashi chuckled, I grumbled and sip my coffee with my legs crossed over one another.  I finished all my stuff and Hizashi laughed at how quickly I had finished from being flustered

"Awww Shoooo!"


He's so embarrassed! How cute!! I heard Shouta huff and rubbed my hands through his hair then felt his head twitch, I smiled then got an idea. I kissed the top of his head then felt his face heat up as I touched it with my hand.

So cute! I giggle and hear him grumble trying to get off my lap, I grin and pull him back down. Causing him to huff and burrow his face into my chest. I smile softly and rub my hands through his hair, feeling him cuddle into my touch

I chuckle and let him nuzzle my hand with a smile on my face, his hair was a mess and was draping onto me. I smiled more and kept petting him a light blush now dusting my own face but it was nothing compared to Shouta's.

"Shoo you're so precious!"

I grin more and keep petting him


He grumbled and I laughed loudly causing a few of the cats to stare at us. Shouta huffed and crossed his arms over. I smiled then playfully pulled his chin up before airplaning some cheesecake into his mouth. He went wide eyed again then pushed my chest away before swallowing the food and clearing his throat.


What is he doing to me?!!! I held my throat then covered my entire face up with both hands, looking through some of my fingers at the floor. I glanced over at Hizashi to see he had a wide clearly playful grin on his face. I grumble a bit under my breath then cross my arms back over causing him to laugh at how red and annoyed my face looked.

"Sho! You're so red!"

I huffed and knitted my eyebrows down lowly with my cheeks puffed out, making him laugh more. I knew him in the gut causing him to make a hurt noise. I stare at the ground shaking in embarrassment then feel Hizashi hug me tightly.


I sigh softly and burrow my face into his neck with a light grin still plastering my face even though I was a bit hurt from the kneeing. I keep eating and sipping until eventually I finish my food and drink.

"Ready to go you damned cockatoo?"

I grin more and nod before picking him up bridal style causing him to yelp and look up at me with furrowed down eyebrows and a bright red face.

I laugh then throw away Shouta's cup and stack up our plates and my tea cup then leave the cat cafe.

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