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Hizashi Pov:

I can't believe it! Shouta Aizawa a bottom? I hadn't slept at all but Shouta seemed rather tired, he was asleep in my arms. I had a goofy smile on my face, I was pleased with myself for making Shouta bottom for me. I knew he was cute and easily flustered but I had no idea that he was a big ol' bottom! I chuckle softly at the sleeping Aizawa then rub my hands through the raventte's hair slowly, feeling him muzzle my hand in his sleep I smile a bit more. Looking over at the window and seeing the sun rising.

I sigh and slowly pick up the short slender male, walking into his bedroom and laying him down on the bed before covering him up with his large black blanket. I knew he would probably wake up tired as usual so I went to make a pot of coffee for him. I see a coffee pot under a cabinet so I assume some granulated coffee would be in there, I check the cabinet and for sure it was in there. I get him a pot made then put ice,sugar, and milk in it just like he likes. I put it in his fridge for later then felt a cat nuzzle my leg and meow.

"Ah, must be hungry."

I walk over to the cabinet with cat food in it and pour it in one of the nine cat food bowls. The cat rushed over to the food bowl and started to munch on the food. I hear someone limping and look back to see a sleepy Aizawa

"Oh hey! I made you some coffee. It's in your fridge!"

"Thank you..."

Shouta Pov:

I walk over to my fridge limping, god my back hurts like hell. Not to mention my ass too, I look around the fridge once I open it and see an iced latte, one of my favorite types of coffee.I grab it out of the fridge and start to drink. Limping over to the kitchen table and sitting down with a small wince. Dammit I knew I wouldn't walk well. Why'd he have to not hold back? I see Mic looking over at me then hear him speak

"why're you limping so much?"

"I think you know damn well why."

"Ohhh Yeah-sorry Sho-"

I looked away from him and huff lowly, continuing to sip the iced beverage with a large frown plastering my face, I was in so much pain. Good thing I have a high pain tolerance, I sigh and put the coffee down before limping over to get some cereal

"Hey hey Shouta lemme get that."

I nod slowly and limp back to the table before hearing him pour me some cereal, adding the milk second then putting a spoon in and walking over to me before sitting it on the table. I start to eat then stare at the floor

Hizashi Pov:

Dear lord I didn't know I hurt him! I feel so bad! I frown and sit down at the table, not eating anything. I felt bad that I had hurt Shouta so I just stared down at the cat eating his food. Shouta stared at the ground while he ate.

"On a scale of 1-10 what would you rate your pain?"



I sigh softly then go to get him an ice pack for his ass and back, I open the freezer and pull out an ice pack once I found one. I walk back over and hand Shouta it. Shouta took the ice and rubbed it from his lower back down and up. He sighed in relief then finished his food. I take his bowl and spoon then wash them. I put them in the dish rack then walk over to Aizawa

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2020 ⏰

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