The answer

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Aizawa pov:

Did he just.... ask me out?! I start to fluster up a bit and tug at the collar of my shirt nervously while I stood there, I blushed a bit heavily and looked at the floor biting my lip and tugging my collar with a nervous chuckle

I rub the back of my neck and open my mouth for about a minute before speaking to him with a small smile now on my sleepy eyed face, I mumble a bit as I spoke and didn't know if Mic could hear me at all

"I-I mean yeah-"

Mic pov:

I saw his mouth move but didn't hear anything come out so I tip my head and cooed confused oh with a little smile on my confused and bright red face, I sigh gently and rub my neck nervously before looking down at the floor before my smile fades a bit

I sigh gently and step back a bit to give him a bit of room, a little frown now plastered on my face while I did so. I bite my lip and gulp softly with another small sigh

"I-if you don't wanna go then you don't have to Shouta-"

I mumble softly

Aizawa pov:

I was all flustered and I looked up at Yamada with a low sigh, rubbing my neck and walking towards him with a little frown and crimson blush now on my pale, scarred and sleepy face. My hair was messy as usual and in a bun.

I pat Yamada's gel filled hair and rubbed my fingers through the yellow blonde hair a bit with a small frown on my face while I stood there practically petting him, I heard Yamada coo like a bird and that made me blush more

"I said yes Zashi."

I say louder

3rd person pov:

Hizashi blushed more and nuzzled his hand happily, a wide goofy grin now on his face while he stood there. He hugged Aizawa tight and heard a groan come from the raven black haired boy, he kept hugging him happily and hopped up and down


He hadn't realized he had used his quirk and then covered his mouth as he heard Shouta whine and cover his ears up


Shouta pov:

My ears were ringing from the quirk being used and I whined softly. I looked up at the taller Hizashi and growled at him with a scowl now on my face, I had always hated when Yamada did that but I sighed and moved my hands away from my ears.

Zashi moved his hands to his mouth and I huff softly, looking at him with a scowl still on my face as I stand there

"No yelling when we go out. Now, where are we going?"

Hizashi pov:

I think for a while and then get an idea, I knew Shouta always liked coffee and cats so I put my finger in the air to signify that I had got an idea

"How about a cat cafe?!"

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