Please Don't

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"I'm so, so, so sorry." The redhead said hanging her head in shame.
She was now wearing a pure white dress. She had white heals as well. On top of all of this she was standing in a white court room with the only color being natural hair and eye colors of the judge and jury.
"I understand you've lingered after you were sent out. Once the issue has been handled you are meant to come straight back." The strong voice said once again.
It belonged to a masculine man with a chiseled jaw. He hade intimidating brown eyes that starred into your soul. Next to the man was Clay. He had sympathetic eyes directed her way.
"I know, it just-" The redhead said trying to plead her case only to get cut off.
"We have rules for a reason." He said sternly. "If word gets out we exists we will be captured and tested on. And you are never supposed to use her friends name around her. You also have mentioned me. They're getting curious."
"I'm sorry." She said on the brink of tears. "She wasn't supposed to have one. I got worried when her mother showed up again. I know I broke the rules but it's just..."
"You care for her. Deeply." He said finishing her sentence. "That is no excuse for what you have done. You are the first angel to loose their wings before they've even earned them. I'm sure the job assignment office could use more help."
The redhead hung her head in shame. She is the worst angle ever. She had the great honer and she ruined it.
"Sir if I may?" Clay spoke up timidly earning a nod for him to continue. "The fact that she cares for her that much makes her a great angle. She's treats her like a person as not just an assignment. So I personally think she should still have the opportunity to earn her wings."
"You're lucky you have such great friends." He sighed causing her head to shoot up. "Make one more mistake and you will go to the job center. I'm giving you a warning. Don't over step your bounds again or your right to wings will be taken."
"Thank you sir." She said giving a little curtsy. "I promise it will not happen again."
"Good. Meeting dismissed." He said giving her a nod.
The redhead left the room feeling relieved. She in haled deeply before heading to her office. She sat at her desk and looked at the pool of water in front of her.
"We're going clubbing." Stacie said walking into Becas apartment.
"No." Beca said not even looking up from her screen. "It's been like three weeks. I would still like to stay in."
"For once I agree with Stacie." Chicago said. Him and Stacie song always get along. "You need to get out. You've barley been out since the break in."
"Weird." Beca said sarcastically. "It's almost as if my mom beat me again for the first time in about 13 years."
"Come on." Jesse said dragging her off the couch. "We're going."
Even with Becas complaints they soon arrived at a club. Beca was sitting at the bar alone. Stacie and Aubrey were dancing and Chicago and Jesse were making out in a corner. Benji and Emily were sitting in a booth talking while Amy was out flirting.
"Why are you out here alone?" A blonde said starting a conversation with Beca.
"I'm not actually. I came here with some friends." Beca said awkwardly.
"Well nice of them to leave you alone. The names Eliza by the way." She said placing a hand on Becas shoulder causing her to tense.
"Um Beca." She said shrugging her hand off of her shoulder. "Can I help you?"
"As a matter of fact yes. My ex is here and I want to make her jealous." She said pointing to a brunette who was watching them. "So want to make out?"
"Uh no." Beca said awkwardly. "I'm not interested."
"Just one kiss then." She said leaning in only to be met with Becas hand.
"Please don't." She said wiping off her hand. "I would suggest try flirting with your ex. Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to find my friends."
Beca started walking around the club in search of her friends so she can go home. She felt her anxiety creeping up in her. She knew the signs before a panic attack hit and she was definitely feeling them. She almost had her first kiss. With someone who wasn't the redhead.
"Hey stranger." She turned at the sound of the voice and saw a pair of bright blue eyes. "Haven't seen you in awhile."
"Hi." Beca said her breathing calming a little bit.
"Let's go outside and get some fresh air." She lead Beca outside and as soon as the cool air hit her skin she became a lot calmer. "Better?"
"Yeah." Beca said taking a deep breath. "It's kinda weird to not see you on a bridge."
"Yeah. I'm used to seeing you almost killing yourself." She said joking back.
"Now that's just cold." Beca said with a smirk.
The redhead giggled before placing a soft kiss on Becas lips. She didn't feel fireworks or butterflies like they do in movies. She was completely calm. The kiss was soft and sweet. When the brunette opened her eyes the redhead was gone. She looked around in search of the redhead but she was gone. Beca took a few deep breaths to calm herself before her group of friends came out of the club.
"Let's head home." Emily said giving a soft smile in Becas direction. "I'm pretty tired."
"I agree." Benji said pulling out his phone. "I'll call a car to drop us off."
"You're okay right Beca?" Stacie asked with concern showing in her eyes.
"Yeah. I'm fine." Beca said with a small smile. "I did have my first kiss though."
"What?!" Stacie shrieked. "Who was it with? Was it good? Did you get butterflies?"
Beca laughed at her friends reaction before she continued. "It was actually with the redhead. It was nice. And no I didn't get butterflies."
"No way." Jesse said in disbelief. "So The redhead isn't the one?"
"No she is. She definitely is." Beca said nodding. "I felt completely safe. It was really nice. Now you can all get off my back about my first kiss."
"Thank god." Stacie said putting her arm over her shoulders feeling her tense as usual.. "You've finally became a woman."
"Wow thanks Stace." Beca said sarcastically as they entered the car.
"You know I'm right."

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