The lion, the wolf and the Llama

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Hi guys! So basically this should have been uploaded a week ago but I didn’t go to school for a day (or 2 months :/) so when my mum unplugged the internet router thingy and I was left without internet or any contact to the outside world for a week. I cried.  So I’ve written more than I did a week ago because I’ve been bored and I’ll be uploading in time for a while… unless my mum’s a bitch again -.-

I know what you’re thinking. Probably. But the reason I haven’t been to school for 2 months is because in my old school I got bullied (a lot) so I moved schools But the new school was only for a trial period and it wasn’t for certain that I was staying. I fit in and everything and I was really happy :D and then they said I can’t stay. -.-. FML. So then I was left with no school. There’s this temporary school thing for kids that aren’t in school forever reason but its like 3 miles away and I don’t want to walk home. So because I can’t be bothered to walk 3 miles and I’m scared of getting on the bus I refused to go. My mum left for work. I walked downstairs and she stole the internet! OUTRAGE.

Was this a long author’s note? It was wasn’t it? :/ Sorry. I’ll be on with the story now.


Emilia Lester’s POV

“Emilia!” My mum said waving her hand in front of my face.

I looked up to her and raised my eyebrows “Yes?” I spat.

“You’ve been on that computer for hours now.”

I rolled my eyes and looked back to my laptop scrolling through my tumblr dashboard.

“Emilia!” My mum said getting impatient.

“What!” I almost shouted getting annoyed.

“Off.” She put a hand her hip “Now!”

“Fine then.” I said rolling my eyes and turning my laptop off “Happy now?”

She nodded and then looked back to the TV. The glowing light filled the room as her and my father sat glued to the TV screen.

 I didn’t care to even bother looking at it to see what was on, probably some show about old things. They’re old. Those shows were made for them.

“When’s Phil coming home?” I asked interrupting their ever so important programme.

“Emilia, shut up.” My Dad snapped “We’re trying to watch this.”

I rolled my eyes (I seem to do that a lot, I should stop.) and then stood up from the sofa.

I looked at my parents who didn’t even notice that I had stood up ever so suddenly, and then I walked out of the living room and up the stairs to my bedroom.

It was still only noon but my parents had the curtains closed in the room they spent so much time in to block out the light. I hated it. I hated them. I pulled a book from my shelf and opened the first page smiling at the note inside from my older brother.


              I’m sorry I couldn’t be here for your birthday. I miss you lots. I know how you love Harry Potter so much so I bought you this book. I hope everything is okay. Oh and Dan says “Happy birthday” even though you’ve never met him.

                                                                        Love Phil x’

I closed the book and put it back on my shelf then looked in the mirror at my reflection. I sighed as I saw my boring brown hair and blue eyes along with my pale complexion. I had the similar eyes to Phil only mine were more boring. I got my brown hair from my mum while Phil got his black hair from our Dad. I wish I could look exciting. I wish I could express myself with how I look. I fiddled with a lock of hair and smiled. I had wanted to do this for ages but mum and dad never allowed me. I was old enough to buy bleach for my hair now that I was 17. I grabbed my bag and slipped on my Doc Martens before walking out my room and closing the door behind me.

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