Chapter 10

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I feel like a good person because I’ve managed to write 10 chapters so far without getting bored and putting this story on hold like I usually do.

Anyway chapter 10.

Question: Do cats have eyelashes? I really want to know. LOL


“We win!” I screamed jumping up and down with my team mates.

“You all have to be our slaves now!” Pj laughed evilly.

“Peej, nobody said anything about slaves.” Alex said folding his arms.

“Well they did now.” I laughed.

“My Charlie is no one’s slave!” Sarah shouted in protest “Now go and make me some tea babe.” She said smiling kindly.

Dan bit his lip to stop him from laughing but everyone else was already in stitches on the floor, except from Charlie who was in the kitchen boiling the kettle.

“I love it when you do that.” I said to Dan walking closer to him.

“Do what?” He asked winking.

“Bite your lip.” I chuckled “But that wink was pretty sexy too.”

He laughed before wrapping his arms around my neck and pulling me closer and closer to him.

Our foreheads were nearly touching then I smiled before his lips came crashing onto mine.

“Lovebirds!” Chris teased but me and Dan both ignored him.

Dan bit onto my lip to ask for entrance that I happily gave him, his tongue explored my mouth until something hit me on the head making me break away from the kiss.

I turned around to see Sarah sat down with Maltesers in her hand grinning.

“I hate you.” I joked “Wait are they Dan’s?”

She nodded and threw another one at Pj who had his back turned away from her hitting him perfectly on the butt.

Dan shrugged and took me to sit on the sofa again.

Sarah threw yet another Malteser at Pj’s butt making him turn around and give her a death glare.

“Would you stop that?” He asked getting annoyed.

Sarah laughed and then threw the last sweet into the air before catching it perfectly in her mouth.

“You strange girl.” Chris said shaking his head

“I’m gonna get changed into some comfier clothes.” I said standing up and walking into my room before closing the door behind me and taking out some black sweat pants and a cream oversized jumper with a black skull on it. I took my hair out of the bun and let it down before walking back into the living room. I saw Dan had put on some more comfy clothes as well as Phil but everyone else were still in their party clothes.

I smiled and walked into the kitchen to see Sarah and Charlie plating up everyone’s food.

“Want some help?” I asked making them jump a little.

“Sure.” Sarah smiled before handing me two plates to take into the living room I smiled and walking in before handing the plates with spaghetti on them to the first two people I saw who were Chris and Alex.

“Emilia pick a film?” Pj asked turning round and smiling.

“Hachi a dog’s tale!” I shouted getting excited.

“Really?” Charlie asked raising his eyebrows “A dog movie?”

I nodded “If it doesn’t have you in tears then you have no heart.” I stated before sitting on the floor.

“What is it with you and sitting on the floor?” Dan asked from above me.

“I don’t know; sit next to me if you wish.” I chuckled.

He smiled and slid of the sofa and onto the floor next to me before giving me a quick kiss on the top of my head “Love you.” He whispered before the film started.

“I love you too Daniel Howell.”

Pj turned off the lights before he sat down on the sofa and watched the film.

By the end of the film we were all in tears.

“It’s so fucking sad.” Chris sniffled grabbing a tissue out of the box that was now being passed around the room.

Dan had his arms wrapped tightly around my waist and I was resting my head on his chest. I felt a tear drop onto my hair and looked up at him “Are you crying?” I asked wiping away the tears I had streaming down my eyes.

He shook his head “No.” He lied.

I chuckled “Don’t lie; your eyes were like Niagara Falls.”

“That’s funny.” Alex said from the sofa above us.

I looked up and smiled “Well I try my best.” I said jokingly.

“Anywhore I’m gonna get some kip.” I stated standing up.

“Yeah me too.” Dan yawned.

I walked into my room and got my onesi and changed before running into Dan’s room.

“Look a panda!” Dan said laughing.

I nodded “Yep, I’m not tired anymore.”

Dan chuckled “Me neither, we should do something.”

I looked around the room and landed my eyes on some paint.

“That was supposed to be for your birthday but I guess you can have it now.” Dan said walking over and picking up the box.

I smiled “Thank you so much!” I said hugging him “You can help me with my masterpiece.”

“Your masterpiece?”

I nodded before walking out of the room and back into mine to get a large white canvas.

“This is going to be my masterpiece.” I said walking back into Dan’s room.

He smiled “That?”

I nodded “It’s going to take some time though, have you got newspaper to put on the floor so your carpet doesn’t get ruined?”

He shook his head “We can use an old bed sheet.” He said pulling out a white bed sheet that had ripped a little.

I smiled and helped him lay it flat on the floor before placing the canvas on top.

“So are we just painting inside the lines?” He asked looking at the faint lines I drew on the other day with a pencil.

I nodded and smiled and pulled out a sheet of paper that was taped to the back of the canvas “Paint the numbers you see with these colours.”

He nodded and picked up one of the paint brushes and put it into some blue paint.

We sat painting away until we got tired.

“I love you Dan.” I said washing my hands to remove the paint from them.

He smiled “I love you too.” He threw me a towel to dry my hands on the picked me up bridal style and took me to his bed.

Sorry for being slow with uploading, I’ve been tired lately. I slept all day today. No joke.



Laura xoxo

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