Chapter 2

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BOO! Haha I scared you didn't I? No? Okay then. Anyway no new news for you other than Letters to Hogwarts is on hold because I'm writing this and I haven't really had much connection with the characters in LTH. So yeah. That is all.

"Philly!" I shouted across the station seeing my older brother before running up to him and hugging him.

Okay now people are staring. Abort, abort. Oh shit I can't I'm in the middle of a train station and it's one of those situations where everyone is already talking about you and staring.

Fun times.

"EMILIA!" Phil shouted twice as loud as I did grabbing the attention of everyone yet again.

"Someone shouted a name, how very thrilling." I announced to everyone with sarcasm thick in my voice making them go back to what they were doing before they decided to stare at us.

"Your hair." Phil said wrapping a lock through his fingers and playing with it "It's so cool!"

I sighed in relief "It's the reason mum and dad didn't want me to live with them anymore, they think it's ugly and attention seeking." I said looking at my shoes.

"Well I think it's beautiful." Phil said hugging me.

When he released me I pulled up the pull things, from my cases and wheeled them out of the station with Phil walking next to me.

"We need to walk down the street and get on the underground then get the buss to our apartment." He told me taking one of my bags and helping me with it.

"Can we get a coffee first or is there no time?" I asked realising there was a costa coffee shop just around the corner.

"We have loads of time; we can go to costa and talk there for half an hour then get the underground."

I smiled and walked in the coffee shop before taking a seat and sitting opposite Phil.

"Why do Mum and Dad hate me so much?" I asked fiddling with the lid on my coffee cup.

Phil shrugged "It's not your fault Em." He took a sip of his coffee "They shouldn't of treat you the way they did."

I put my head down and looked at my shoes "I can't remember where you were when they used to lock me outside." I almost whispered.

Phil smiled sadly "I was always in my room; I didn't want them to get angry at me for letting you back inside."

"I remembered one night when I was locked out in our back garden for almost 5 hours, it was raining and it was cold." I said before wiping away the tear from my eye "Then you opened your window and threw out a rope you made of bed sheets for me to climb up." I laughed to myself as I remembered me climbing up the home made rope.

I was stuck on this rope hanging out of the window when I finally managed to climb to the top and then into the window. I and Phil sat for hours telling each other stories and playing games until I heard my mums call from the garden. I climbed back down the rope and into the garden where I sat pretending I was there all night. Every time I got locked out we did that until I was 9 and too big to climb up the rope. But that was when they stopped locking me out. I still knew they hated me though.

"Emilia?" Phil said trying to snap me out of my daydream.

I looked up and smiled "Sorry just thinking of when we were kids." I said looking up to him.

"We have to go." He said looking at his watch and then standing up. I followed him to the underground station and got on the tube (Me again ^_^ but is it called the tube? I wouldn't know I'm not from London. I think it is. : / any way bye... End of Authors note lol)

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