Movie Theatre

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Boris POV

"Potter, Potter, let's go to the movies!" I wake Theo up by tapping him on the shoulder at around noon Saturday morning. 

"Boris, what..." he replies groggily. God, I love tired Theo.

"The movies," I repeat, poking him on the shoulder impatiently.

"Oh, alright, give me a minute." Theo pulls on a shirt, a blue one with green stripes. 

"I like your shirt," I tell him, looking up from my phone. According to the website, the movies playing all look either boring, too scary for Theo, or just weren't playing at the right time.

"I like you," he replies, giggly. He's been saying stuff like that a lot recently. He's my best friend, but this feels different than friendship. I just smile back at him.

"Right. When you're ready, let's look over the movie selections, yeah?" Theo nods, and I remember I should probably get dressed too. I don't care too much about what I wear, but I find a random t shirt- red with the soviet flag on it- that I remember Theo saying he liked. Slipping on the shirt along with some pants, I go into the bathroom to see if we're ready to go over movies. 

"Potter, you done in there? I gotta piss!" This isn't actually true, but I know it'll speed him up. 

"Just a second!" He replies. I hear the flush of a toilet and then the door pops open. "Hiya."

"Are you done?" 

"Yeah, I thought you needed to pee, though."

"I don't," I tell him, ignoring he's confused glance, and take him by the hand to his room again. I like the way his fingers feel intertwined with mine. Apparently he does too, since he's rubbing his thumb along my palm. No complaints here though! "Here's the selection." I impatiently thrust my phone at him. See, I've never been to a movie. In other countries they either didn't have any such thing as movie theaters or I was just too poor, but now that I have the opportunity I want to seize it. 

Theo POV

I take the phone from Boris, scrolling through the bland movies. None of them catch my eye until I see one called Call Me By Your Name, featuring two guys in some romantic-looking situation on the cover. I've been trying to hint to Boris that I like for weeks, if not months. I've tried everything at this point, short of outright saying "I love you!" I'm excessively physically affectionate with him, I give him handmade gifts, I even say I like you for god's sake! The boy doesn't have a clue. My hope is that a boyxboy movie will spark some sort of conversation that segues into my confession. 

"This one, perhaps?"

He keeps a neutral face- I can't tell if he's happy with my selection or not, but if he's going to let me pick the movie he shouldn't have the audacity to be disappointed with choice, you know?

"Okay, there's a show at 12:45. We can make that if we leave soon," Boris informs me. 

"Right, I'll just get scrounge up the money," I say, already digging through my desk drawers for a twenty dollar bill.


When we arrive at the theatre, Boris buys our tickets, not making me talk, which I'm grateful for. I hate talking to strangers, and most other people for that matter. It gives me unholy amounts of anxiety, and to be honest, the pay off isn't worth it either. Thankful that Boris understands, I let him lead the way to our movie.

The whole time during the movie, especially romantically charged scenes, I keep a closer eye on Boris's expression. Again, neutral. The only thing I notice, even though I'm paying more attention to him than the movie at this point, is the way the light bounces off of his cure little freckles. How I want to kiss them!!

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