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Theo POV

Boris really, really wants to go to a party- specifically a party at Kotku's house. I'm opposed for several reasons. First of all, I generally dislike parties in general, too many people, too much noise, too reminiscent of the accident at the museum. Second of all, it's at Kotku's house. We don't stan Kotku. All she does is steal time away Boris and I hanging out, so I know for a fact that I'll be left alone at her party, while she and Boris are off hooking up or something.

But Boris is practically begging, and I'd do anything to make him happy. "Please, Potter. It'll be really fun, I promise," he's saying. I consider the scenarios. If he abandons me at the party, that's surefire proof that Kotku is ruining our friendship. He can't deny that; maybe I'll get justice.  If he stays me the whole time, that'll show me I was wrong. Either way, I'd still win, if after a small amount of suffering. 

"Okay, whatever," I relent.

"Good! Great!" he says excitedly, patting me on the back. "We'd best leave now; I think Kotku expects me to help her, like, set up."

Rolling my eyes, I follow him out the door. Kotku lives close enough to us that we can walk, so we do. When we arrive, Boris worries that we're actually a little late since it seems like half the school is already there. "Kotku, sorry for being l-" he starts.

Stupid idiot Kotku cuts him off by kissing him (very... passionately) right in front of me and about ten other kids. Gross. I hate seeing them kiss, it's so gross. I would never kiss Kotku, or any girl now that I think about it. Not for me. 

My point was proven when Boris was whisked away into the kitchen, where he sat with Kotku and her friends drinking barely alcoholic beer. With his tolerance and the way he chugs vodka nightly, he'd need about thirty of those to feel anything. Whatever, I'll let him figure that out himself, I think bitterly, walking away from the situation as a whole. 

I find a quiet room with minimal amounts of people and plop down on a couch. It's strange the room is so close to being empty since it's a fairly large room, with several couches and a wide tv playing some basketball game. The only other people are two girls making out on the floor (judging  by the crushed cans, they're pretty far gone) and another guy watching the tv from one of the other couches. 

Noticing me sitting alone, he greets me with "hey." 

"Um, hi." Talking to other people, especially strangers, is not my strong suit. I adjust my glasses to give my hands something to do. 

"You here alone?"

"No... well, kind of. I came with my friend, but he left me alone basically," I explain, getting a good look at the guy. He had dark hair, like Boris, but it wasn't curly like his. 

"Bogus," he said, and I smiled because that word reminded me of Boris's name. Funny.

Boris POV

Kotku was kissing me sloppily, pushing me up against the counter. I think I like her, I mean, I think I love her. Just... kissing her doesn't feel right, not like it does with other people. But it's Kotku! She's very hot, objectively, and she asked me out. Therefore, I have to like her.

"Kot-Kotku," I gasp, struggling to pull away for air. She creases her eyebrows and steps back. Her blonde hair reminds me of Theo, and instantly I feel bad for leaving him on his own. I kind of promised I wouldn't, and I know much he hates being with other people. "Can we go sit somewhere? Or eat something? I'm hungry."

Kotku just nods mutely and finds a bag of chips for me. I follow her onto her patio, wondering what we were going to for the rest of the night. I found out quickly that Kotku's beers were nothing, so maybe I'll see if there's any more saturated options. 

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