xxiii. a new lie

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a new lie

TWENTY-THREE,a new lie

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FROM THE MOMENT the dead began to rise, resurrecting themselves to inflict harm on any living being nearby, Ella Samuels began to learn what it felt like to go through sorrow, and the pain it brought.

Before, she thought she had it all figured out. When their family pet would die, or when she would break a bone from falling off her bicycle, she thought that was true pain. Or at least, the worst pain someone could experience.

Oh, but how wrong she was.

The minute Ella had thought she began to learn about the true misery a person could go through was the moment her mother had died. When she was just barely twelve, she learned how quickly a person could be taken from the world, and how unexpected it could be. That was something she at least believed, but again, how mistaken she was.

Ella never exactly comprehended how fast someone could leave your life, even someone you held so desperately to your heart, until her father was next to go. His death, it was even more unexpected than her mother's. It happened somewhere safe, a place where no one should have died, with the protection they were given. Still, that would never be the case.

From the second the first deceased person was awoken yet again, there was nowhere really left that was truly safe. The prison taught her that, as even with a layer of wire walls, death could still sneak up on you without any warning given.

Having gone through so much, Ella was convinced that whatever would happen next, she would be prepared. The world had taught her pain, and multiple lessons that during times before, would have never even crossed her mind. The teen learned how it felt like to loose a person she never thought would leave her so soon, along with how death, it was ruthless. It didn't hesitate to take its opportunity and snatch whoever got close enough, no matter who was watching.

𝐍𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐄𝐒, carl grimesWhere stories live. Discover now