Ficlet #4 - Len & Oliver

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Thank you BananaboyeL, for the prompt!

"I don't know," Len repeated. "I really don't know."

He had never walked along the ocean floor before. Oliver's hand was warm in his, and he swung it lightly with every step. The sand shifted beneath his feet and the clear water was cool on his skin. He could see forever in all directions.

Oliver's hand let go so he could gently take Len's arm.

"You said you wanted to stay with me," he whispered.

The quiet reminder floated between them.

Looking up, Len could see the unreachable marbled underside of the water's surface. Beams of light filtered through, creating incessantly shifting patterns on the expansive sand textured by ocean currents.

"I think it's time I went home," Len said. "My family will be missing me. I've never been away this long before."

"I'm sure they're fine." Oliver pressed closer to him. "I'll show you more. There's so much to see. Don't you want to see more?"

"I don't know." Len swept his free hand through the water and watched the minuscule bubbles that formed. "Where else can we go?"

The scenery transformed.

They stood on a sloping hill with a worn dirt path leading into a wide field filled with wildflowers. The thin grass reached higher than their knees. Yellow, white, blue, orange, and red flowers swayed peacefully, creating a rippling effect that made the field seem to breathe.

The blue caught Len's eye. Forget-me-nots were his mother's favorite flowers. He stooped and picked bunches of the tiny blossoms, gathering up their stems. The baby blue petals looked realer than real in this faker than fake dreamworld. He straightened and breathed in the sweet scent. It tickled his nostrils.

"Don't think about them." Oliver hugged Len from behind and gently placed his pale hand on Len's wrist. The tiny blossoms wilted and twisted and bloomed into a grand bouquet of white and red poppies. "Only think of me. This dream can last forever if you let it."

Len squeezed the poppy's stems. None of his emotions made sense. He couldn't see Oliver's face, but could hear Oliver's soft tone become shaky with unshed tears.

"Don't disappear on me, Len. I need you more than they do." Oliver bunched the fabric of Len's shirt in his hand. "Please. I would be so sad and lonely if you left."

Len faced Oliver and saw his trembling lips and shaking frame and the tears beading in the corner of his eye. He let the poppies fall to the ground and embraced Oliver, wrapping him in the comfort he wanted for himself.

"You would never leave me all alone. Not here by myself." Oliver's voice cracked as he buried his face in the hollow of Len's shoulder. "You would never do something so horrible to me, would you?"

Len rested his hand on the back of Oliver's head and glanced towards the sky, following the white streaks of cirrus clouds far, far above.

"I wonder how long it'll be until my body starts to rot in the real world."

Oliver let out a whimper and held Len tighter.

"I'll show you even more," Oliver promised, hopelessly trying to justify his selfishness. "I'll show you everything you want to see. Everything you can dream is here. Anything you want."

The endless dream murmured around them.

"You're going to stay, aren't you?"

A perfect world couldn't exist.

"You're staying, right?"

Len met Oliver's desperate gaze.

If everything here is false, how can I possibly know you are true?

"I don't know," Len repeated. "I really don't know."

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