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Chicken tenders: hey

Chicken tenders: hello?

Chicken tenders: helloooooooo

Chicken tenders: y/n?

Chicken tenders: are you busy?

Chicken tenders: I think you are?

Chicken tenders: I'll text ya later :)


Chicken tenders: there's no volleyball practice today :D

Chicken tenders: that means I can text you more

Chicken tenders: you there?

Chicken tenders: respond

Chicken tenders: y/n are you okay?

Chicken tenders: I hope you are :(

Chicken tenders: c'mon at least say something

Chicken tenders: did I do something wrong?

Chicken tenders: If I did I'm sorry

Chicken tenders: I'll leave you alone now

Y/n 🥰: don't

Y/n 🥰 : don't leave

Y/n 🥰: please

Chicken tenders: don't worry I'll stay

Chicken tenders: did something happen?

Chicken tenders: you can tell me anything

Y/n 🥰: it's best if I don't

Y/n 🥰: but thank you

Y/n 🥰: but I have a question

Chicken tenders: shoot

Y/n 🥰: are you single?

Chicken tenders: yes I am

Chicken tenders: interested ;)

Y/n 🥰: no I'm just asking

Chicken tenders: yeah sure 👀


Y/n 🥰: I feel so empty....

Y/n 🥰: I feel like it's all my fault

Y/n 🥰: it is my fault

Y/n 🥰: say it's my fault satori

Y/n 🥰: say it

Chicken tenders: whatever is happening to you

Chicken tenders: is not your fault

Chicken tenders: I think you just need a hug :)

Y/n 🥰: a hug?

Chicken tenders: yes! And I would give you one if I were with you

Y/n 🥰: thanks

Y/n 🥰: you're a nice person to talk to

Chicken tenders: anything for y/n

Y/n 🥰: I wish we could actually meet up

Chicken tenders: that would be an awesome idea!

Y/n 🥰: yeah

Chicken tenders: do you want to meet up?

Y/n 🥰: of course

Chicken tenders: how does next week sound?

Y/n 🥰: great

Chicken tenders: I CAN'T WAIT!!!

Y/n started crying. She's actually not meeting up with tendou, someone is. That someone is aria nikita. The most "popular" girl in y/n's school. Somehow she figured out y/n was communicating with tendou. She told y/n that she wants tendou and her together. If not then she makes up fake rumors and if that happens people will believe them. Her only two friends can't defend her because they're in different schools.

But that's not all y/n was going through. Her parents were going through a divorce. She thinks it's her fault because she doesn't hang out with her family to much. Now she's having a hard time picking who to go with. Y/n was scared.

The angst. It's coming.

Thank you for reading hopefully you enjoyed it, make sure you vote and comment (but please no criticism 🥺)

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