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Today's the day. Today I marry Elle finally. I feel like I've been waiting my whole life for this day. I've waited all my conscious life to find a love like this and now that I have it, I never want to let it go.

"Daddy! Mommy looks sooo pretty, you're going to cry!" Emma squeals.

Emma was dressed up in a little white dress with a big bow on the back. Her curly hair was put up and she had her little nails painted pink. She was the cutest thing I had ever seen and I knew I was about to have another baby just as beautiful as her.

"You, my first girl, are so very pretty." I picked her up.

"Daddy, you look handsome." She grinned.

"Thank you, princess. I want to look good for mommy." I grin.

"Awe! My handsome little baby boy!" My mom rushes in.

"I had to peak at you before." She clasped her hands together.

"You look good enough for my daughter." Antony laughs.

"He better!" My dad joked with him.

"How are you feeling?" My mom asked.

"I'm ready." I grinned.

"You're not a little nervous?" Ben asked.

"Not at all. I've been waiting for this day for a while now, I'm ready to make an honest woman out of her. Have you seen her? She's stunning and then you get to know her and she's even more beautiful."
I gush.

"We need to start." Antony looked at his watch.

"Here we go." I grin.

I walked down to see all the guests waiting in their seats. My groomsmen walk down with each bridesmaid, then came Emma throwing flower petals. And then finally was my wife.

She was breathtaking. I immediately felt the warm tears roll down my face.

Antony escorted her down the isle before handing her to me.

"You're welcome." He winked at me.

"Thank you." I grin as I take her hand.

I stared down at her, she was radiant.

"I really get to marry you?" I chuckle.

The officiant begins and I hold Elle's hand the whole time before we exchange our vows.

"Eleanor, I would be lying if I said I didn't immediately fall for your beauty. You are captivating in every moment that you exist. As I have gotten the pleasure to know you, I have discovered that you are perhaps more beautiful in your actions and spirit." I smile up at her to see her tearing up.

"I have watched you take on the role of mother to Emma, a thing you were so naturally equip to be. You didn't just fall in love with me, you fell in love with my daughter who then in a way became our own child together. You once said to Emma that although she didn't come from your body, that you always held her in your heart. Watching you love her as your own has been the most beautiful thing I have ever witnessed. It's one of the many reasons I have fallen completely in love with you. I am so honored to become your husband, to go through life at your side, to live an extraordinary life together, and to share more beautiful moments with our children. I vow to love you, to protect you, to stand by you, and to cherish you for the rest of my life." I grin up at her.

She wiped her eyes before reading her vows.

"I wrote two sets of vows, one to the amazing man I have chosen to live all of my last days with, and the other to the amazing daughter that I have gained and plan to watch grow into the lovely young lady I know she is destined to be." Elle smiled at me before taking Emma's hand.

"I have watched you consistently care for others in your profession, as a father, as a friend, as a son, as a brother, and as a partner. The love you have shown me is endless, I notice the sacrifices you make to put our family first and I am so grateful to have been accepted so warmly by you and Emma." Her voice began to waver as she looked up at me.

"Our family has brought me utter and complete joy, a happiness that most people do not accumulate in a lifetime. Our future, although unknown, guarantees us many morning of coffee and warm snuggles in bed as a family, hours of laughter, days on end of support and encouragement, and a lifetime of love. I love you, Luke, with every possible remnant of my existence. I thank God everyday for you and all the happiness you have brought into my life and I cannot wait to spend the rest of it with you." She smiled up at me.

"And to this amazing girl who I am blessed to be a mother to, I promise to love you everyday of my life." Elle turned to Emma.

"I'm so thankful for your existence, I love you with ever fiber of my being. You are the best thing to happen to me and your father, and we owe everything to you. I cannot tell you how proud I am and how proud I will continue to be of the amazingly strong and loving little girl you are." Elle kneeled down to be closer to Emma.

"You will always be my first born, although you were not born to me. You will forever be my daughter, even though I have not known you for your whole life. I promise to advise you, and support you, and love you, forever and ever, you will always be my family." Elle cried and hugged Emma.

I wiped my eyes and extended my hand to Elle to assist her getting up. I picked Emma up and held her at my side.

"Do you, Luke Robert Hemmings take Eleanor Hues to be your lawfully wedded wife?" The officiant asked.

"I do." I grin.

"Do you Eleanor Grace Hues take Luke Robert Hemmings to be your lawfully wedded husband?" He asked.

"I do." She grinned

"The the power vested in me by the state of New York, you make now kiss the bride." He clapped his hand.

I pulled Elle's waist closer to me and leaned in for a peck, causing everyone to clap and cheer. As we pulled away, I handed Emma to Jack and then dipped Elle over and gave her a proper kiss.

"I had to go the extra mile for my wife." I grin.

And we were off to the reception where we danced and stared at each other in disbelief that we were finally married.

"Do you want a glass of champagne or something, love?" My mum asked Elle.

My father, Antony, Miss Adler, and my mum were all there.

"I won't be drinking for a while..." Elle grinned at me.

"We are ten weeks pregnant." I announce.

"My baby!" Antony teared up hugging her.

"You mean my baby!" My mum placed her hand on Elle's stomach.

"I'm gonna be a Nonno to another!" Antony started to cry.

"Emma is convinced it's a girl." Elle laughed.

"She won't even tolerate us talking about her having a brother." I pulled my wife closer.

"Because it's a girl!" Emma chimes in.

"And if it is another girl as sweet and precious as you, I'll be happy!" Elle kissed her cheek.

"I told daddy he had to marry you before I was six, and I'm telling you I'm having a sister." Emma smirked.

"She really could be Sicilian!" Antony grinned.

"What are you talking about? She is!" Elle winked at her dad.

"Now for the daddy daughter dance, we have Mrs. Hemmings dancing with her father, Mr. Antony Hues AND Mr. Hemmings dancing with a Miss Emma Hemmings." Jack announced.

"Shall we?" I ask Emma.

She grinned as I picked her up and carried her to the dance floor.

"How do you want to do this? Stand on my shoes style or do you want me to hold you?" I ask.

"Hold me until I'm too big to hold anymore." She kissed my nose.

"Thank you by the way, for being super pushy and making me ask Elle out." I smile at her.

"You're welcome, I knew I had to get involved." She grinned.

"I'm very glad you did." I chuckle as we danced.

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