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4 February 2009

"Are you Isabella Stark?" I turned around in my giant armchair to see a man with an eye patch and black trench coat standing in my living room.

"That depends, who's asking?" I was definitely skeptical. I mean, like, who wouldn't be if some stranger in all black walked into your house unannounced?

"My name is Nick Fury, I am director of the Strategic Homeland Intervention Enforcement and Logistics Division. I am here to inform you that your father was unfortunately kidnapped by a terrorist group called the Ten Rings." Nick stopped talking and allowed me to process what he just said. It was pretty unbelievable, but after all the Stark name has many enemies so it wasn't surprising. "And because of this, it was called to our attention that you are no longer safe here."

"That's reasonable, sir. But, it seems like you're applying that I won't be staying here. Where will I be going?" Yeah, my life here was horrible but it was still my house and I don't have any friends or family to go live with.

"You are going to be adopted by Clint and Laura Barton. I have known the two of them for a very long time and they are more than happy to take you in. They live on a farm out in Missouri."

"Okay, when do we leave? Also, I'm home schooled and have 6 months until I graduate, so will I continue schooling myself?"

"Yes, you will. You will also begin learning self defense as soon as you get settled in case someone finds out that you are in fact a Stark. As to when you leave, you have an hour to pack. I have somebody here to help you." Right as he said that last sentence, a girl with long, curly red hair, a pale complexion, and really pretty green eyes came in.

"Hi, I'm Natasha Romanoff. I'm a good friend of Clint and Laura, too."

She stuck her hand out and I shook it, "Isabella Stark. Or do I say Barton now?" I gave her a look and the girl laughed as we began to walk up the grand staircase.

Unlikely To Be Forgotten - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now