Chapter 3: Did you just say gala?

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May 2012

I watched as Steve's quinjet landed down on the helicarrier. Agent Coulson and the Captain walk down the ramp, meeting up with Natasha. And I decided that that was my chance to walk outside, catching part of their conversation. "Agent Romanoff. Captain Rogers." Even from a far I could tell that Uncle Phil was trying to be professional, but from the way Steve looked I also could tell that Coulson already messed up.

Steve nodded his head at my Aunt Nat, "Ma'am."

She responded with a simple "hi" before turning to Phil, "They need you the bridge, they're starting the face-trace."

It was at that moment that I had finally made my way over to the small group, high-fiving my Uncle on the way, "Hey Nat. Captain."

"Isa!" Nat gave me a huge bone-crushing hug and the Captain began to survey his surroundings.

"You know, Cap, it was quite the buzz around here when we found you in the ice. I thought Coulson was gonna swoon." I smiled at the memory. And then at the exact same time Nat and I said, "Did he ask you to sign his Captain America trading cards yet?"

Nat and I smiled while Steve just looked confused, "Trading cards?"

Nat nodded, "They're vintage, he's very proud."

We began to walk over to Dr. Banner without him noticing. Or at least until Cap yelled, "Dr. Banner." We walked all the way over and Steve and my favorite green rage monster shook hands.

"Oh, yeah, hi. They told me you would be coming." He sounded nervous, which was fair. I guess. But I didn't really pay any attention to it or the rest of their conversation because Natasha and I started whispering to each other.

"You know, Isabella, your dad would kill you if he saw what you're wearing." She gestured to my skirt, low-cut crop top, leather jacket, and boots. To which I shrugged my shoulders, "How are you doing? And don't try to say you're fine Lola, I know you."

"Surprisingly, I am fine. I know my dad can handle himself and besides we'll get him back soon. What about you?"

The red-head ignored my question and said to the boys, "Gentleman, you may wanna step inside, it's gonna get a little hard to breathe."

The pair looked at each other and Steve asked, "Is this a submarine?" We didn't answer, we just smiled as they began to walk over to the edge.

"They want me in a submerged, pressurized container?" It was right at that moment that the helicarrier began to shake and lift into the air, "Oh, no. This is much worse." After that the four of us began to make our way to the bridge, only for Steve to stare around in even more disbelief before walking up to Fury and handing him a ten dollar bill.

Bruce and Fury began to talk, while Natasha walked over to a computer and Steve and I began to talk. "I don't mean to sound rude or anything, but isn't 16 a little young to be an agent?"

I couldn't help but laugh, "If you're referring to me, I'm only 13. And for other people my age, yeah, it would be. But, I have 4 PhD's, speak 42 languages, can take down Shield's top agents, hack the government in 4 seconds, and I have powers. So, no, it's not."

The look on Steve's face was one of amazement which for some reason made me feel proud, "Did you just say hack the government?"

I ignored his question and looked down at my watch, "Sorry, Cap. I wish I could stay and talk but it looks like I have to go train the new recruits." I then ran out of the room. My excuse wasn't a lie, time just happened to line up that way.


I had just finished sparring with our top recruit when my Uncle Phil ran into the training room yelling. "Isabella Lola Rey Barton! They got a 79% match at a gala in Stuttgart, Germany. You are going to be our eyes and ears from the inside, Agent Romanoff is waiting in your room. Class dismissed!"

"Did you just say gala?"

His face set into a hard expression and he pointed at the door, "Go." Trying not to be mad about having to put on heels I ran out of the room.

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