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Picture above is her apartment, I assume you all know what Strucker's base looks like so I didn't feel the need to include an image of that.

July 2012, Sokovia

I had been in Sokovia for about two months, and my experiences here were interesting. The night before I left, Galaga Guy helped me find the building I saw in my 'vision' so I went to find it and the twins that continue to hold my thoughts. When I got here, I bought a small two bedroom apartment at the edge of the city and filled it with furniture and food. It was cute, but I honestly hate it here. I've spent the past month scouting this giant ass building that could literally be a castle, and have nothing. I haven't seen anyone come in or out, no one has even gone near it. Which is weird and definitely sounds like something straight out of a horror movie but for the hundredth time this month I'm her. The only difference is that this time, I'm standing in front of an old pair of wooden doors with the intention of eventually entering.

I stood there for at least another five minutes before taking a deep breath and pushing the doors open. They made a loud noise as I moved inside of the building but no one did anything. "Hello!" No response, this was starting to get really creepy. "Is anyone here?" Still no answer, but this time I heard a whoosh of air and a pair of light footsteps moving quickly. But they didn't last long.

"Hi," I tried again. "I know you're there and I'm not gonna hurt whoever you are. I'm here to help." I still didn't get a response, but I could see a pair of electric blue eyes shining in the darkness. "What's your name?"

After a second of silence I heard a thick Sokovian accent come from the person I was watching, "Go, you need get out here."

I was confused but I had noticed how broken the boy's English was so I began to speak to him in Russian, which I assumed he could speak better, "Ты мальчик, которого я видел? Я здесь, чтобы вытащить тебя и твою сестру отсюда, как я уже сказал ... Я здесь, чтобы помочь."

He stepped out of the shadows and my breath hitched while my heart went boom. Just the sight of him made me helpless, I don't even know his name but the sudden feeling of electricity running through my veins gave me a feeling I had never felt before. Something that I had been told to avoid because just like vulnerability can get you killed, love can too. He was even more beautiful in person, his silver hair was unkempt and the light reflected off his eyes. He was definitely around 14 and was at least 6 foot and extremely well built. "Я видела вас во сне. Вы помогаете людям. Так что я помогу тебе. Покиньте это место, пока они не пришли, иначе вы будете такими же, как мы. Разбитый, раненый и опасный." I shook my head, still refusing to leave. He went to tell me to leave again but instead he tried to run over to me, yelling. "Нет! Не трогай ее, оставь ее в покое! Отпусти ее!"

But then arms began to grab him and hold him to the floor, I began to turn around to see who he was yelling at, but before I could catch a glimpse of them I felt something hit my head. And as I crumbled to the ground and slowly began to black out, all I could hear was the silver-haired boys' pleas and someone's sadistic laugh.

 Ты мальчик, которого я видел? Я здесь, чтобы вытащить тебя и твою сестру отсюда, как я уже сказал ... Я здесь, чтобы помочь. - Are you the boy I saw? I'm here to get you and your sister out of here, as I said ... I'm here to help.

Я видела вас во сне. Вы помогаете людям. Так что я помогу тебе. Покиньте это место, пока они не пришли, иначе вы будете такими же, как мы. Разбитый, раненый и опасный. - I saw you in my dream. Do you help people. So I will help you. Leave this place before they come, otherwise you will be just like us. Broken, wounded and dangerous.

Нет! Не трогай ее, оставь ее в покое! Отпусти ее! - No! Don't touch her, leave her alone! Let her go!

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