Student vs Sensei

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Y/n and Zabuza stare each other down neither making a move. The atmosphere was so tense you could cut it with a knife.
Kakashi and Sakura watch by the sidelines out of precaution.
"Sensei your not really going to let her fight him are you?" Sakura asked out of worry.

Mist starts to form most likely from Zabuza making it difficult for them to see their y/n.
"She'll be fine Sakura. She's fought him before so this battle shouldn't be much of a problem for her." Kakashi tries to reassure his student. Zabuza then cuts into their conversation.

"That's where you are wrong Kakashi ...the last time we fought I was going easy on her." Silence overcomes everyone in shock.

'He was going easy on me.. that bastard.' A shadow casts over y/n's face.

"I have a confession to make Zabuza." Y/n breaks the silence. All eyes turn to her.

"So was I." With y/n launches forward her sword in hand. Y/n aims to strike Zabuza's arm ,but misses when he suddenly vanishes.

'Where did he go?'

"Behind you." Y/n's pupils constrict in size. She barely has time to dodge Zabuza's incoming punch which results her to skid across the ground. Blood pours down her forehead. Y/n touches her forehead her fingers stained with her own blood.

"I see you have gotten stronger too sensei. I guess I should stop playing around." Y/n tightens her headband.

"Let me show you just how strong I've gotten."

Y/n does a series of hand signs.
The atmosphere turns dark and shadowy.
"Why is it dark it's still the middle of the day?!" You know who screams.

"Focus dope!"

Kakashi tries to see if he can spot y/n.
'No luck guess I'll have to use this again.' Kakashi lifts up his headband to reveal his sharingan. Into the darkness Kakashi manages to make out two figures.
'That's got to be them.'

Y/n hides within the shadows she's created.
"Ready or not here I come sensei."
Zabuza turns his head to the sound of light foot steps.
His sword clashes with y/n's as they both apply pressure to throw the other off. Zabuza manages to strike y/n but her body disperses into shadows.
'A clone..'

A sear of pain rips through his arm. He looks to his shoulder to see a deep cut with blood pouring out.
'When did she land a hit I didn't even feel it.' He is broken out of his thoughts when y/n's voice echos.

"Surprised I see. Did you even notice the one on your leg?" Zabuza looks down to see another deep cut on his leg.

"Hmph is that all you can do. Your cuts are petty y/n you may have tooken down countless other shinobi all these years ...but I know your still holding back. Is it because I was your sensei? All these petty tricks your doing to avoid killing me is wasting time for you to save those brats. By the time our battle is over there will be no brats to save." As on cue Naruto's and Sasuke's screams echoes.

'Naruto! Sasuke!' Y/n drops her guard and looks over to the ice mirrors. Zabuza takes this chance to strike he swings his sword across y/n's chest.

Y/n wobbles slightly holding onto her chest.

She dispersed her shadow jutsu from exhaustion letting daylight shine again.

Kakashi and Sakura's eyes widen from the state of their teammate/student.

Zabuza disappears from y/n which confuses her.
'I was in his line of sight and he could have ended me right here and now. W-why did he disappear?'

Sakura's scream brings y/n's attention to them. Her eyes widen at the sight.

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