3. Heartbreaks

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Hermione was never late to work. She was the most punctual person in the ministry. Though today something seemed weird. The daily aura she used to give was now different. She was LATE!!! and sad? But why? Her colleague, Anthony, finally took up the courage to ask her what happened. Hermione sighed heavily and simply stated she slept late yesterday and was upset that she came late today. Anthony, though unsatisfied, just nodded and left her to dwell on her thoughts. She was not feeling herself. Her guts told her something bad was going to happen and she wasn't ready for it.

Meanwhile at The Burrow,

Ron was pacing around nervously making everyone else agitated at him. Anyone would have thought that he was pacing around nervously to PROPOSE to Hermione if they knew he was pacing around for her. Only Harry, Ginny, and Ron knew the truth about this pacing and his Mother. Ginny had seen this coming but didn't expect this soon. Ron had planned for this moment for the past few days as he didn't want it to be too bad for her to take it in. He had asked Harry and Ginny to accompany him, not to humiliate her but to protect himself from Hermione. He knew that it would hurt Hermione but he couldn't take it anymore. He wanted to be free. He finally felt what Nearly-Headless Nick felt when only a little thing was refraining him from being free. He called Hermione for lunch in a beautiful place. Not too crowded if she wanted to shout at him but also a little place with few people if that would control Hermione from going to Ultra-Rage mode. He specifically told her to not make any excuses at least today.

Hermione, as usual, simply wore a black knee-length sleeveless dress to accommodate her reckless perfectly. She never felt like giving extra thought to her appearance, just her hair was enough to take care of.  She did not feel like worrying about anything. 

Once they met, she sat down beside Ginny, triggering Ron a bit but he didn't think much of it. Once Harry came, Ron cleared his mouth and said, " Hermione, I do not intend to push around the bush so please don't react until I am done. You have been a very good friend, in fact, my Best Friend for a long time!! You were there for me when I needed you the most and when I was alone. I hate to say it but don't you love me anymore? During your breaks, I always ask you to meet me but you find an excuse to brush me off. One day I came to see why you said No to meeting me to only find you with a book on your lap. Did you seriously avoid me for a book!?" Hermione was speechless. She was shocked to find these words from Ron. "I didn't purposely do it... The book was interesting..." she trailed off by seeing the 'are-you-an-idiot' expression on everyone's face. Ron was furious!! " You know what? Let's cut the crap of being kind, this relationship is over Hermione. I honestly think I deserve someone who is not this WORKOHOLIC and someone who cares for me and yea. You are always welcome at The Burrow. I don't want you to cut the connection with Weasleys because of me. Goodbye" with that Ronald Weasley left.

Hermione was crying her eyes out. Ginny was there to comfort her but couldn't be of much help. " What did I do!!? I thought he was happy for me!! I am so foolish!!" cried Hermione. Ginny tried to reason and bad mouth her brother but couldn't. Ron was right. His argument was perfectly laid out. She tried hard to comfort Mione. Hermione thought to herself about something so wild that even she couldn't help herself!! She was going to...


AHHH!!! Sorry for the cliffhanger guys!! See you soon and don't forget to comment!

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