4. The Job

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Wow!! Today was the day her new agenda was going to be executed. Her neat and clean letter was properly sealed in an envelope and put in the inner side pocket of the blazer she was wearing. She was never nervous like this before yet so determined to do something. She walked through her office with her head held high. So high that she could have beat Malfoy in Hogwarts for confidence. wait! why the hell am I thinking about Malfoy!? Ugh!. She stood in front of Harry's office for one last time and thought about her actions. Yes. She will do it today. She confidently knocked on Harry's door which said 'Minister of Magic'. Harry was quick to answer and was glad it was Hermione who came. 

They had small talk for a while then he asked about how she was dealing with the events that occurred yesterday. "I came here for that reason exactly." She handed him the letter and patiently waited for his reaction.

To, Minister of Magic

Subject: Resignation

Honourary Minister,

I, Hermione Jean Granger, would like to resign from the post of 'Head of the Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes due to some personal reasons. I wholeheartedly hope that you get a new fit head instead of me. Thank you for considering me fit for this role.

From, Hermione Jean Granger

Harry was shocked and furious. What the hell was she thinking!? "Hermione this better have a good explanation!"

Hermione sighed and said, "You were there when Ron broke up with me right? He said I was a workaholic and I thought about it and he was right. I was a bit too uptight for him and as a human. So I am taking a break from the ministry to avoid Ron and to live my life a bit."

She waved a dumbstruck Harry goodbye and as soon as she left the building she left a breath she never knew she was holding. She decided to go to Hogsmeade for a while to celebrate her new freedom. First, she went to Honeydukes to buy some sweets for herself and then decided to go home and relax for the first time in what felt like forever! But as soon as she started walking toward her house, she realized that she was jobless!! Where was she going to find a job?? and as if luck was trying to save her a group of workers walked out of a building talking about how a girl named 'Mia' had resigned from her job as their CEO's PA and needed a new PA now. Immediately seizing the opportunity, she went inside the building and asked the receptionist if they still needed a PA. The receptionist was very suspicious and asked how did she know about the job offer when the girl resigned today? Hermione had no interest in lying and was truthfully told that she was looking for a job and heard a few people talk about this vacant spot. The receptionist was satisfied and told her to wait until the CEO himself allowed her. She was quite surprised by herself. She did not even know the name of the company or whoever the fuck is the CEO. The job shouldn't be so hard. While thinking she didn't realize the CEO entered the office and gone to his cabin. 

Meanwhile in the CEO's cabin

The receptionist knocked on the door and saw a confused CEO. "Where is Mia!? She was supposed to take care of my meetings today!" shouted the CEO. The receptionist calmly explained that Mia had resigned but before the man could react, Samantha (receptionist) told that a new candidate had come to fill the position. She asked if he wanted to interview her but he just said that he wanted a new PA as soon as possible. She was hired.

Samantha went to Hermione and said that Sir had hired her and wanted her to work from today but she had to sign a 3-month-contract so that history doesn't repeat itself. Hermione eagerly filled out the form and went to his cabin.

knock knock knock

As soon as she went inside they both shouted together, "MALFOY!?" "GRANGER!?"


EEP!! Fate has decided its choice! What will happen when two past archenemies are joined together by a contract?? Stay tuned! 

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