Chapter Forty-Seven

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^ Monastery. Ccto.

"It's good to see you," Alucard greets Granger nonchalantly, oddly holding a hot mug of strong black coffee in his hand. He has his back leaned against the wall beside the study of their Grandmaster.

Granger crossed his hands. In all their years of partnership, he still hasn't - more so couldn't - figure out the oddity of his senior partner. Nonetheless, Granger at least thinks he isn't the only one with issues in the head between them both.

"Hello," Granger muttered without thinking.

Alucard choked on his drink, much to his dismay. "Are you truly Granger?"

"Yeah, well, get used to it," The death chanter growled, remembering what his wife told him about practicing his morals.

Talking about Guinevere, he hopes her lone trip to the morning market today would turn out well and safe. He doesn't want an unfortunate soul to bump into her by accident like the last time.

He has witnessed the most ruthless of killers in his demon hunting career. But none of their anger would be compared to Guinevere's. To him, she was a ticking time bomb, a walking beautiful disaster, a devil in disguise, a-

"Gentlemen," the Grandmaster later appears, snapping the two men out of their trance. Alucard and Granger saluted at him with minimal effort.

"You summoned us, sir?" Alucard spoke.

Mischievously the wise old Hunter snatches Alucard's cup of coffee, drinking full of it, making the blonde frown sadly. Granger rolls his eyes, thinking he deserved it.

They were required to rendezvous with their Grandmaster in his study before they would have their breakfasts.

Another pair of demon hunters came and they were younger than either of Granger and Alucard. Granger assumes they were rookies, fresh out of the orphanage.

"This is Patch," the Grandmaster motions to the one with the buzzcut and a stone hard expression. Alucard could feel his unapproachable aura was similar to Granger's so they might get along easily.

"And Eden."

The girl with a blonde side braid waves at them with a shy toothless smile. Somewhat her gaze stayed longer at Granger.

"Grandmaster," Alucard spoke again. "Do you want us to babysit or something?"

"It's a new tradition the Convent is trying to implement and it's mentorship," explained the Grandmaster. "They will be your apprentices and you their mentors for a year. Yes, yes, Alucard, it may be similar to babysitting but rest assured your salaries will double. Isn't it what you like?"

Alucard rubs his palms unintentionally, becoming tempted. "Oh, it is. May I have the girl as my apprentice then? I figured the boy is, rather Granger's taste."

Taste? Granger cringed, flopping down on the large castle window. "You shut the fuck up," he snapped at his long time partner but it did at least no effect to wipe the cocky grin off Alucard's face.

"It's neither your decisions, it's mine." The Grandmaster glares. "Patch shall be yours Alucard while Eden is to Granger. Now to get started with our meeting to discuss your group mission-"

"Group mission?" Granger said immediately, bothered. "Grandmaster, you said it was only a mission for two people in the letter you sent me."

"Apologies, Granger, I can't do anything about it for it's the new law the Convent is putting. I know teamwork isn't your cup of tea but Hunters are prohibited to perform missions anymore, ever since the War between the Empire and the Abyss. Talking about the war, I think that you did good as a leader in those times of struggle. I was proud of myself for choosing you as a Chevalier."

"I was a Chevalier, too, you know," Alucard complained, making Eden chuckle.

The Grandmaster pays him no mind whatsoever. "Let's get inside my office. The sooner we start this meeting, the sooner we end it... isn't that right, Granger?"

Granger only shrugged but he's thankful the man is trying to get along with him - he can use it to make Alucard jealous.


A/N: I'm trying to write in the second person point of view but wtf I'm doing so horrible at it argh I hate myself so much I wanna restart my life


"The Knights HQ in the Southern Border have been raided yet again," Grandmaster started slowly, trying to discuss the incident without frustrating himself. Ever since he heard of it, he couldn't believe it, and he figures they couldn't as well. "The Shadow Rangers are too blame."

"Shadow Rangers? Are they some kind of cult?" Alucard scoffed from the couch where he sat down with their apprentices. Granger, being his reserved self, stood by the Grandmaster's bookshelf.

"They're insurgents, but they think of themselves as heroes, protectors of the Barren Lands when they are protecting criminals and savages." The man looks over at Granger, hoping he would get a reaction. Instead the Death Chanter blatantly pulls open a book to read. "Hence the Princess Silvanna, together with the Knights Order, wants our cooperation on completely eliminating these rebellious acts."

"Perhaps the Knights did something to anger them?" Patch spoke audaciously. "I mean the HQ is located near or maybe in their lands. They oughta think it's trespassing."

"I think the same," Alucard says, agreeing with the teen. "What about you, Granger? You better unzip your mouth and stop seenzoning us."

"Okay," Granger gawked at him. "Well, I don't think the same since I have been to the Southern Mountains myself. I've been to the Knights HQ and I know it is built within a mile away from the Mountains, so no, it's not trespassing." He says, glancing at Patch, who glances back uneasily.

"Uh," Eden muttered. "May I ask, what honestly are the Shadow Rangers? Aside from being basically terrorists?"

"They were survivors of a war they weren't a part of, people who were native dwellers to the Southern Mountains. When the Abyssal demons migrated there, the Imperial Army did everything they could to save all of them, but they could only save a quarter percentage."

Granger closes his eyes, feeling himself freezing up. He remembers it bit by bit, the more the Grandmaster talked about it. From the blinding flames to cries of agony replayed. He has remembered it so many times he had convinced himself it were only dreams, memories from a past forgotten life.

"Since all of you are in the process of bonding as mentors and apprentices," the Grandmaster sighed. "I think it's safe to say that... Granger is from the Southern Mountains."

How does he know?! Granger's mouth had fallen agape. His walls being crushed down by their shock and curious stares, and Alucard's god awful signature smirk which clearly screams 'I knew it all along!'.

"Was, so I guess know my way around the place," Granger croaked. "But this isn't about me, it's about the HQ. So, Grandmaster, when should we leave?"

"Tomorrow, but you can leave sooner-"

"Okay," surprisingly Granger cuts him off. "The last one to arrive in the Knights HQ is chicken, guys. Now I'm gonna show myself out and start packing. See ya!" Granger waves them off with a full smile, revealing the crinkle in his eyes. It was a smile he never showed to anyone unless they were Guinevere, like any other smile he would make.

"Uh, why do I feel like I've been transported into an alternate universe?" Alucard jested, giving his partner the same wary look everyone in the room was giving him as he storms off without slamming the door behind him, or did he forgot to do that?

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