Chapter One

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The day started as a blast. Quite literally. Bakugo held his rival, Watanabe Maimi, down, his right arm pulled back as sparks bounced along his palm.

"Do you always have to pin me down..." She groaned, feeling her head ache from the impact it took to the floor.

He didn't say a word, though. Bakugo's hand grew closer and closer to Maimi's face, but just as he could release his final blow, she, too, blew.

A gust of wind pushed Bakugo off her and threw him into the air. She watched with a smile as both his arms and legs flared out, as Bakugo tried so desperately to not fall on his face.

Maimi raised her hands in front of her, and slowly lowered them, and then brought them up again. A small tornado formed on the ground, and with each raise of Maimi's hand, it grew in size.

She pulled her arms back, and pushed them forward again, as the tornado followed and captured Bakugo inside of it. Maimi took in one deep breath, and as she exhaled and lowered her hands for the final time, the tornado lowered Bakugo to the ground.

A large smile covered her lips, proud of the control she had over the ripple of wind. Maimi looked to where Aizawa stood, hoping her teacher had noticed but his eyes were pinned on the fight between Midoriya and Kirishima instead.

"You bitch, I didn't need your help," Bakugo yelled, his hands clenched into fists.

Maimi looked back to her opponent and rolled her eyes, "Yeah, you did. You would've needed to go to recovery girl from the height you were falling at, and Aizawa would kill me if you got injured that bad."

She placed her hands on her hips as Bakugo charged towards her, his hand pulled back and ready to use his quirk. One large blast pierced the air and left both their visions filled with smoke.

As the smoke cleared, the blonde girl kicked her foot into the earth and watched as the ground tore apart and pushed Bakugo, again, off his feet.

Maimi smiled, "Aw Bakugo, looks like you've fallen for me. I'm flattered, really, but-"

"SHUT UP, AIRHEAD." He screamed, as he gritted his teeth together and stood back up. Bakugo was beyond frustrated, and while he knew both of them were holding back, he couldn't help but feel weaker than her.

He focused his eyes on the girl before him. And oh, how he hated her. Maimi was one of his only rivals, next to Todoroki and Midoriya. To him, it seemed she excelled in everything and it pissed him off.

What made it only worse, was that the annoying, blonde girl who was always so eager in ensuring no one got hurt, was, as well, convinced that she and Bakugo were the best of friends.

And he couldn't seem to shake her off. No matter what he said or did.

"Alright, class. This is the end of combat practice, go to lunch." Aizawa said, only now keeping his eyes on Bakugo; who was usually very keen on not stopping.

Maimi grinned and skipped towards her friend, "So, do you wanna eat in class again?"

He growled, and all the boy saw was red, "Leave me al-"

"I brought you a cupcake, I made some yesterday! I hope you like them, they're vanilla so don't worry, I know you don't really like overly sweet things."

Bakugo looked at her, and narrowed his eyes on her grin, "You got that right."

And it was the same as every other lunch period, Maimi followed right behind Bakugo, her backpack rattling with all the things she kept in there.

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