Werid feelings

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No matter how much I thought about it, I couldn't figure out Nozomi meant with that.

-"You okay?- I turned to see Kiyoko looking at me with worried eyes,- You haven't touched your lunch at all."

-" O-oh, don't worry I'm okay just got a lot on my mind."

Kiyoko hummed before asking: - "Anything I can help with?"

- "No, no it's okay I'll...I'll be okay."

The bell rang signaling the end of the lunch period. I looked down at my untouched lunch. Meh. I wasn't that hungry anyway. I will probably give it to Helios to eat it. I was walking to class I felt a tap on my shoulder.

- "Seiko, everything okay? You've been out of it since Nozomi visited." Tsuki's face appeared before me along with Haru's and Helios's.

- "Me? I...I don't know to be honest. Can I talk to you guys after school?" Word of agreement follows my question before we entered our class and went to our seats.

For the rest of the lessons, I tried to keep my attention at the teacher but still... Just as about to leave with the guys after class Suzuki-sensei called me.

- "Midoriya can I have a word with you?"

I looked at the guys who signaled me they would be in the hallway waiting for me.

- "Yes, sensei?"

- "First of all, I have to say you are one of the best students in the class that I have seen. Always raising your hands, making questions. Good job."

- "Thank you sensei!"

- "So imagine my surprise when one of my best students was out of it the past few days. Is there anything bothering you, anything I can fix my teacher's authority? - he joked trying to lighten up the mood. I must have been out of it that so many people asked me. I chuckled before responding."

- "I'm sorry sensei I hadn't realized my behavior. My apologies if I caused you to worry. I assure you everything is okay. I must be missing home that's all. I promise it won't happen again."

- "Hehehe that's what id like to hear. And don't worry you can go and visit your parents anytime you want."

That's weird. It looked like a flash of annoyance passed his eyes when he mentioned my parents. It must have been my eyes. I am tired after all. Suzuki-sensei is so nice I doubt h would ever be mean.

-"Thank you sensei. I'll take my leave now. Good day!"

- "Good day to you too Midoriya!"

I walked out of class and saw my friends who at this point were like brothers to me trying to arm wrestle on the floor for my lunch that I gave to them and told them whoever wants it can have it.

- "Haru, Helios get off the floor and just do something like rock-paper-scissors like normal people. Please. Oh, hi Seiko how did it go?"

- "Um, hi Tsuki. It went fine he was worried why hadn't been active in class recently."

- "See Seiko you got everyone worried! You're not being...you."

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