We're 22 years in the future. Deku is now the Symbol of Peace. Everything's fine, till his daughter, Satomi, gets kidnapped. Why? And most importantly, by who? *UPDATES EVERY MONDAY AND FRIDAY*
After we all lined up, uncle Mirio started explaing us how today's training was going to work.
-"Okay kids. I hope you all have slept well and are ready as ever for your first training day.OH, and you've eaten right? You have? All of you ? Okay good, cause food is VERY important and neccesary, expecially when you're a hero and you need all the energy. Remember that. Always eat well before training. And healthy, cause you know, a hero-
-"Yes Lemillion sir, thank you for the advice!" - We all said, noticing how he got a liiiiiitle carried away.
-"Oh yes yes of course! NOW, without wasting more time, let me explain you all how we're procceding today. You'll all be divided in pairs, and every pair is having a match. This way you can all test yourselves and your skills, and we can find out what to do to work and improve them."
-"What do we have to do to win?"
-"You don't have to worry about that. I'll end the fight when I see it reasonable. Is everyone clear? Do I need to repeat myself? Everyone's good? Perfect! Now I'll name out your opponents and we can begin."
And so uncle Mirio went on, and as he was calling out names, I was analyzing everyone in my class, and their quirks.
Some of them were strong, really strong.
But i felt confident, surprisingly. I was ready. I've been training with my dad since i was a little kid, so I know very well how to use my quirk, and fight an opponent. Suddently, uncle Mirio interrupted my thoughts by calling out my name.
Kaori? Ugh, what was his quirk again? Dang it, I can't remember!
-"Okay everyone, we're starting. The first duo, please step up. Bakugou Helios and Fujioka Kagome. If you were attentive, you would already know your opponents quirk. Now, the two of you, begin.
Since I first heard about Kagome's quirk, I thought it was pretty cool and strong. But Helios is stronger. I know that cause I've grown up with him. I know what he's capable of.
Fujioka Kagome- Quirk: Target(once her target is locked anything she throws, no matter the distance/direction/obstacles the object will hit the target)
Bakugou Helios- Quirk: Explosion & Cat abilities.
The match had started. Kagome acted first, by taking out of her pocket several....wERE THOSE LITTLE KNIVES?!
-"Is she allowed to do that??"- Ren said turning to uncle Mirio. But he didn't say anything, he just kept watching.
-"HAH, like you'd scare me with those little toys of yours!"- Helios said smirking and running full speed towards Kagome and blowing up the knives she threw over at him.
-"Woah, he's fast!"- I heard someone behind me comment. Of course he is. That's part of his quirk.
Kagome didn't have time to act up again, because Helios was so fast, she didn't even have time to take out a weapon to throw at him.He was already in front of her.
-"Game over."- he said before causing an explosion so huge, that I'm sure shook up not only the entire school, but the whole city too.
-" Is everyone okay?"- Uncle Mirio asked a moment after the explosion.
Everyone looked fine. Just...a little shook up.
-"Goddammit Helios, do you always have to overdo it?!" - Haru yelled at him.
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-"Oops. Sorry." - Helios apologised. He obviously didn't mean it.
-" Helios, can I have a word with you please?"- said uncle Mirio.
-" UuUuU, someone's in troubleeee~"- Tsukkie joked.
-"Shut up. And you two, if you don't stop giggling right now, I swear to god-" - Helios pointed to me and Haru, but got interrupted by uncle Mirio calling him again. Welp, he done did f*ck up.
After uncle Mirio talked with both Kagome and Helios,which apparently wasn't in that much trouble, the other matches took place. They didn't take much time, cause uncle Mirio would stop them at some point, congratulating them after.Now it was Haru's turn.
-"Todoroki Haru and Saito Naoki, please step up."
I remember this guy too. He's quirk was good too, but Haru is much stronger than him. He posseses the combination of two powerful quirks.
Saito Naoki -Quirk: Deflection(can deflect forms of attack)
Todoroki Haru -Quirk: Half cold-Half hot & Teleportation.
-"Get ready....Begin!"
Haru immediately teleported himself. Everyone was looking around, wondering where he could've gone, while Naoki was taking his position with a worried look on his face.
But i noticed him. He was in top of the school's roof, looking over at us, waiting. I smiled.
Suddently we heard a noise. Then we noticed shadows on the ground, causing us to look up at the sky, noticing the huge blocks of ice coming down at Naoki.
But of course, he deflected the attack and the blocks of ice fell elsewhere.Haru teleported back not too long after Naoki's move.
-"So that's how it is huh."- he clicked his tounge and smirked. Then everything happened so fast.
He suddently teleported again, appearing behind Naoki, caughting him off guard. Then Haru teleported him and himself, god knows where.Everyone was confused about where the boys went, but after not too long Haru teleported back again.He looked satisfied with himself.
-"Where is Naoki..? " - I asked. But it didn't take long for us to get the answer.
As we heard Naoki scream, we lifted our heads towards the sky to watch him fall down.So that's where they disappeared.
Before Naoki would hit the ground, uncle Mirio, our should i say Lemillion, acted up and caught him.
-"Daaamn bro, that was cool! You sent the guy flying." - Helios high-fived Haru.
-" Thank you, thank you."- he said bowing jokingly.
-"Well that was interesting...Anway, moving on to...Midoriya Seiko and Otake Kaori. Get in position boys."- uncle Mirio said.
Why can't I remember that guy's quirk?! It had something to do with sleep..? No no.
-"Begin!"- I heard uncle Mirio shout. There was no time to guess about his quirk. I needed to be ready for any form of attack.
But, when i faced him, something weird happened...