Chapter 15

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Lisa's POV

I heard a scream followed by a loud laugh, which made me wake up suddenly. I opened my eyes slowly to get used to the light through my bedroom window.
"Shit!" I stretched myself and got my cell phone from the bedside table. It was past noon.
I got up and looked at my reflection in the mirror next to the cupboard, it couldn't get much better than that. I put my hair in a bun on top of my head and left the room. Another scream caught my attention, it was Camila, and it came from upstairs.
"Son of a bitch!" She screamed as I walked up the stairs. "You'll pay me!" I reached the rooftop and saw Camilla, Daniel, and Gabriel inside the pool, Cami was on Daniel's back holding his neck.
"Oh!" Dani mumbled when she pulled his hair.
"You almost drowned me!" Camila spoke in a funny voice.
"You said you could swim!" Cami got off Dani and crossed her arms. "What?"
"That doesn't mean you can throw me without warning!" Her voice came out crying.
"Oh, princess, I'm sorry! Not going to do it anymore." They hugged and I laughed weakly.
"Look who's awake!" Gabriel turned to me. "Good morning, beautiful!" He didn't leave the pool, so I went to him.
"Good morning!" We gave a peck. "Why didn't you call me for fun?" I pretended to be offended.
"I went into the room, but you were sleeping so pretty, I didn't want to wake you!" Dani answered by coming near me.
"I get it! Well, I'll get something to eat and I'll be right up!" I announced coming out of the pool.
"Do you want me to go with you?" Gabriel caught my attention.
"What? No, you can stay, I'm just gonna get something to eat and I'll be right back." I shrugged and got off the rooftop.
I went down to the kitchen looking for something to eat, it was easier to prepare lunch than breakfast. So I took some things to make pasta, it was Sunday, a typical dish.
I leaned against the counter while the water was getting hot and I kept touching my cell phone. I went through all the social media, read the comments in my photos, and opened Gabriel's Instagram which was logged on to my cell phone, had some notifications and that number annoyed me, so I opened it to finish it.
They had some messages, including a reply to a story he had posted with me the night before, from a girl I didn't know.

"Wow, I didn't know you were dating!"

Then one more.

"I wish it was me!"

I wasn't the type of girl who read her boyfriend's messages, but they were replies to the post he'd made with me, and well... They were girls.
"Rumbling!" I blocked the phone and left it on the counter, turning my attention to the pot with the water. "Stop Lisa, he has nothing to do with them, they're idiots and he's with you!"
I put the noodles in the pot, I kept stirring so they wouldn't stick.
I didn't have to get mad, he hadn't done anything, they had texted him, it wasn't his fault and I didn't have to fight with him...
"Hey, beautiful!" I got scared at the arrival of Gabriel behind me and made a little jump. "Whoa, did I scare you?"
"Yes!" I got a kiss on the neck.
"What were you grumbling about there?" He then asked me after kissing my neck and my cheek again.
"Nothing, just thinking..." I shrugged. "When I cook, it makes me think!"
"Hum... And it looks good too!" Gab spoke softly in my ear. "Pasta?"
"Yeah, I've decided to make lunch, you're already starting to feel hungry!" He nodded.
"I came to get a beer!" Gab walked away from me and went to the refrigerator. "We forgot to put it back in the fridge upstairs."
"Oh yes! We can take it as soon as we finish lunch." Gab agreed after he took a sip of the bottled liquid in his hand. "Just take it easy, handsome!"
"You can rest easy, I'm home!" I turned off the stove when I saw the pasta was ready.
"Like you're not gonna be able to shit, tomorrow you have class, then you wake up with a hangover and you don't get any money in college!" I drained the pasta and put the pot back on the stove.
"I won't cross the line, beautiful!" He said.
"If you want to call Daniel and Camila for lunch, it's almost ready!" Gabriel muttered an "mhmm" and I turned around in time to see him finish the liquid in the bottle and get another one in the fridge. "Gabriel, wait at least for lunch!"
"OK, beautiful, I love you too!" He screamed from the middle of the room and I just snitched in giving up.
We were all living together for about a month now, and it was very nice most of the time, but kind of exhausting. The chores were badly organized and we rarely shared them, everyone did what they wanted when they wanted, but in the end, there was more left for me. I didn't care much, I liked to cook or take care of things, so nothing got out of my control, but it was tiring to be the mother of these three.
"Did I hear the food's ready?" Camila came down all wet and showed up at the kitchen door. "What did you cook?"
"Garlic noodles and oil!" She celebrated and already sat at the table. "Was it hard to dry out?"
"Oh, I'll be right back in the pool." I denied it with my head.
Fuck, it wasn't a big deal.
"Yay, food!" Daniel showed up right after wrapped in a towel. "You kick ass, Lis!"
"Sure, she's my girlfriend, if she didn't, she'd be yours!" Gabriel provoked and Camila protested.
"Son of a bitch!"
"Sorry!" I denied it again and put the pot on the table after a while.
"It's just that you never..."
"Shut up!" Camilla cut Daniel before he finished his sentence.
"It's even better! Let's eat!" I said serving my plate of food. "What time did you guys wake up?"
"Oh it was like 10:30!" Cami responded by serving after me.
"You're going in the pool later, beautiful?" I denied it with my head, my mouth was full.
"You never come in, summer is over, and this is the last sunny weekend!" Dani spoke by putting a fork in his mouth.
"I know, but I have college work to do."
"Beautiful, you've only got one week of class." Gabriel held my hand over the table.
"So it is, handsome, but my teacher has already passed the material!" He nodded and raised his hands in surrender. He realized that his nickname came out a little sarcastic.
"Did something happen?" Camilla and Daniel kept quiet staring at their dishes.
I didn't answer, I kept eating so I wouldn't have to answer. I wasn't mad at him, I was mad at the situation.
"Lisa!" Gabriel called me and I faced him. "What happened?" I shrugged and ate my last bite and got up from the table.
"I'm going to my room to do the work!" I put my plate in the sink and took my cell phone over the counter.
I heard Camila's voice saying something, but I didn't care what she was talking about, so I went up to my room and organized my things to start doing the work as soon as possible.
It was one of the most difficult subjects I had and needed all the attention in the world. Not even those idiotic messages would deconcentrate me.

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