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"Watch me, Sonic! Watch me!"

With a small sigh and a roll of his eyes, Sonic looked up from his book. Tails was hanging upside down on the monkey bars, flailing his arms madly. "Look, Sonic! I'm upside down!"

Despite the slight annoyance that Sonic felt from constantly being distracted, he couldn't help but show a little grin at Tails' childishness. "Don't flail around too much, little bro. You might fall."

Sonic's response wasn't exactly in the range the 8-year-old kitsune was hoping for. Seriously, was that it? Y'know, he didn't do this kind of stuff every day, seeing as Sonic rarely took him to the park. They mostly found their fun playing tag or having races. And while Tails didn't mind that at all, he still wished that Sonic would take him to these types of places more often. He should play with him as well. Doing all of these attractions weren't very fun to do alone.

"Sooniic! I'm not gonna fall, I'm not a baby!" Tails whined, carefully flying himself back to the ground. If Sonic wasn't even going to show an ounce of amusement, then what was the point of continuing to do it? Maybe another time. "Can we go play on the swings?"

"Yeah. Go ahead, squirt, just don't swing too high."

"Sonic, come on! You said you were gonna play too, y'know!"

At that statement, Sonic raised a brow. He didn't remember making such an agreement. "I did, eh? Tell me, then, just what exactly did I say?"

"You said," Tails cleared his throat before lowering his voice a couple of octaves, the best attempt of impersonating Sonic. "Little bro, when we get to the park, we can do anything you want! See? You said we, as in together! Please, Sonic, can you play with me? Pleeease? " Putting his hands together, Tails began to pout, making his ears droop for extra effect. He would've also added some whimpering noises, but he believed that messed him up last time when he tried to get Sonic to let him eat ice cream for breakfast.

"Sigh...you really want me to play with you, huh little bro?" Sonic murmured, putting the book down as he rubbed his nose. "Oh, alright. Just for a little while."

"Yay!" Tails shouted with glee. Grabbing Sonic's arm, he began to run, dragging the hedgehog to the swingset. "Could you push me, Sonic? Please?"

"Aw, squirt, aren't ya tall enough to do it yourself?"

"But it's fun when you do it!"

"Fine, fine! But you owe me one, pal."

Taking each chain of the swing, Sonic began to walk backward, occasionally looking back to make sure that he wouldn't trip. When he reached a spot that he felt would give Tails a good amount of height, he released the swing. The young fox instantly erupted with laughter at the feeling of the wind rushing through his fur. For an added experience, he put his feet up as he came back near the ground.

"Is that high enough for ya?"

Tails was back in the sky. Looking down at Sonic, who had his hands on his hips, he grinned brightly and nodded. "Yeah! Come on, Sonic! Let's see who can go the highest!"

"You. You're lighter than me, so you'll go higher. Duh."


"Pushy little thing, aren't ya?" Sonic commented at his brother's call. "I admire that. Okay, I'll get on, I'll race," Sonic obliged as he got on the second swing. "But you gotta stop swingin' if you wanna be fair."

"Okay, hold on!"

When Tails came back towards the ground, he dug his feet into the dirt to make himself stop. "We both have to be at the same height, 'kay Sonic? No cheating."

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