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Name: Jay Golden

Birth Date / Age: 22 Years old

Occupation: EDG Field Agent

Skills: Skilled in hand-to-hand combat, somewhat skilled with firearms, very skilled driver.

Powers: None

Personality: Jay is a lovable idiot. He tends to be made fun of, and likes to joke around with others, but he's a very skilled agent. He is great in stealth missions, and knows how to take down criminals.

Gender: Male

Skin tone: Somewhat tan

Eye Color: Hazel

Hair Color: Light brown

Height: 5'7"

Backstory: Jay joined the EDG as soon as he turned 18. He had admired the agency for years and wanted to help them. He isn't the highest ranked agent, and still is required to wear uniform, but he is very well known and respected. He is still one of the highest ranked field agents, and has participated in many missions.

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