Chapter 4: Deal with a Devil

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Ray was called to the ORC by Rias but she hasn't answered his calls so he decided to just go over and see what she needed as he was outside the main room as he heard voices as he just assumed were Sona and her peerage as he walked in and saw a talk arrogant blond hair man  as Ray instantly didn't like him as everyone turned to look at him as Ray noticed him touching Rias inappropriately as he saw Rias' discomfort as he spoke up

Ray: A gentleman wouldn't touch a women in such a manner...devil

Ray assumed he was a devil as Rias seemed to at least know this man as the man raised his eyebrows and then laughed and stood up as he smirked evilly

Riser: Since you called Riser a devil, Riser assumes you are not a devil

Ray: Correct I am human

Riser at that began to laugh as Ray then noticed the beautiful grey hair women standing next to Akeno

(Grayfia isn't married to Sirzech)

Riser: A human thinks he can tell Riser what to do trash like you should know your place!

Riser then fired a small blast of fire at Ray who thanks to the training he had with Kiba to increase his reaction time he barely dodged the attack shocking Riser and Grayfia as he glared at Riser

Ray: I won't repeat myself don't touch her

Riser growled as he summoned his peerage as he ordered a girl to attack Ray as Issei tried to stop her as Issei was knocked aside

Ray: Issei!

Ray was then hit by the girl as he was distracted as he vomited spit as he then grabbed the staff that was used on him as the girl was shocked he was still conscious as he suddenly delivered a powerful kick to her stomach as she vomited as well but not much as she gasped for air as she jumped away from him back to her peerage mates as Riser was pissed as he was about to attack when Grayfia stepped in to stop him as he backed down as Rias accepted the challenge for the Rating Game as she was doing it to avenge Ray...and Issei as Riser gave her ten days to train as he and his peerage left as Ray collapsed as he stood on one knee as he grunted in pain as Grayfia looked at him

Grayfia: What is your name human?

Ray looked at her and spoke

Ray: Ray....Ray Fade Ma'am

Grayfia smiled at his manners as she asked him about his sacred gear and was shocked to discover that he didn't have one as after a while of talking she left to tell her King about the Rating game and this strange human with no sacred gear as Asia was treating a unconscious Issei as Rias hugged Ray

Rias: Thank you for standing up for me Ray I appreciate it, now go rest me and the others will handle Riser trust us I'll ask if you can watch the game so you can see us win

Ray gave her a pained smile as he held his stomach in pain

Ray: Kick his ass for me oh there goes my conscious-

Ray fell unconscious as well as Rias caught him and giggled as she told everyone that she would take him home as everyone nodded as she teleported away with him to his house as they were in his room as Rias was amazed with his room as she never been inside it until her eyes landed on the beautiful sword in the case as her eyes widened as she dropped Ray in his bed as she backed away from him slowly

Rias: How does he have that sword? That sword should be in pieces it was destroyed long ago the church should have the pieces stored away after their failed attempts at restoring the sword to it's former glory so how does?

Rias was so confused now more than ever as she looked between Ray and the sword as she didn't know what to do as Ray could be in grave danger with that sword in his possession as she tried to take it but found that a magical barrier protected that sword as she yelped in pain as she didn't know what to do as Ray groaned in pain as she snapped back to reality as she began to undress and undressed Ray and got in bed with Ray to heal him as she fell asleep next to him as she hugged his unconscious form

Ten days flew by quickly for Ray as he kept up his training by himself as he had Murayama used a pellet gun on him as he managed to block a few while he dodged the rest as his reaction speed was improving greatly as Murayama and the other were really amazed as they continued this until it was time to upgrade again as everytime Ray was able to perfectly able to block and dodge they would use a faster gun so that his speed continued to increase as the day of the rating game finally arrived as Sona and Tsubaki came to pick him up when Murayama was using a Uzi pellet gun (do those actually exist I don't really know) as they were impressed by his reaction speed as they called him over to go watch with them as Ray nodded and thanked Murayama who nodded and smiled as the three left to watch the game as the three took a seat as a magical screen appeared as the three saw the two peerage home base as the rules were explained as Ray found quite interesting as the three watched intensely not wanting to miss a thing however....

Grayfia: Rias Gremory has surrender Riser Phenex is the winner

The three were shocked at what had occurred while Ray was furious at knowing what would become of Rias as he slammed his fist on the table as Sona and Tsubaki were shocked as Ray was never known to lose his temper as he left back home as he arrived in his room and yelled out his frustration

Ray: Damn it! Damn it! Damn it! I should have helped...even if I had too...

Ray's ideals were clashing with his morals on him to keep his humanity or sacrificing his ideals to save his friend as he punched a mirror as it broke as Ray stared at his reflection as he had multiple reflections staring back

Ray: Who am I? What do I wish to protect?

???: Both are very good questions

Ray turned around and saw man stand before as the most notable thing about him was his crimson red hair

Ray: Who are you!?

???: At the moment that does not matter but let me ask you this do you want to save Rias from her marriage?

Ray was taken aback by this as he thought it and looked at his reflections as he knew his answer

Ray: Yes....

???: Then take this paper it will teleport you to the party good luck...human

With that the man teleported away as Ray held the flyer and was about to leave when suddenly the sword began to glow on and off as if calling to him as Ray without question reached out to it as the same barrier appeared as Ray heard a female voice speak

???: Do you seek power?

Ray grunts in pain from the barrier

Ray: Yes

???: Why?

Ray steels himself from crying out in pain

Ray: To save my friend from her fate

???: Then call out my name descendant of King Arthur

Ray then grabbed the sword's hilt as he called out it's name


A Human Among DevilsWhere stories live. Discover now