Chapter 1 A New Game

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(Before we start please go check out @Callmesky17 without them this story wouldn't be possible! So credits go to her for this wonderful suggestion!)

_Third POV_

It was yet another normal day in Gravity Falls Oregon...well as normal as it gets. Mabel and Dipper Pines moved in with their Grunkle Stan for the summer. Stanley always wanted some extra money so he has a tourist attraction called the Mystery Hack...wait its just the Mystery Shack with the S on the ground. Anyway, Gravity Falls isn't what people call 'normal' but today is just a new mystery waiting to unfold. Mabel was running aimlessly in the shack until she hit the screen door and somehow managed to get her braces stuck onto it.


Soos heard her and got out one of his tools in an attempt to help.

"Say 'ah' girl dude."

"AhHh!" She said.

Once he got her free he picked her up and placed her back onto the ground.

"Soos you saved me!"

"Hehe just doing my job hambone and I'll see you dudes tomorrow."

Everyone said their farewells and started wondering what he did back at his place. Soos was soon relaxed just playing some video games until a timer goes off and removes some sort of foil out of his grandmother's hair until she stopped him and gave him an envelope.

"Your cousin Reggie is having an engagement party next month."

"Wait, wait Reggie is engaged? But he's like the poor man Soos."

"I don't wanna pressure you but you're a man now, so in a way, it's time for you to be meeting girls and I would like to see you settled before I ascend and live with the angels."

"And with Grandpa."

"...No, he is not there but please find someone to bring to the engagement for Abuelita."

After their chat, Soos regretted his choice about finding a girl cause he thought he couldn't do it so he decided to get help from someone. At the mystery Shack, however, Stanley managed to scare a kid and Wendy wasn't impressed with his choice when he was trying to prove his point his arm got stuck in the thing he was trying to sell. Soos, however, found a female just shaking a snowglobe.

"Huh, a woman."

He jumped off the stool and in the middle of a merch rack with the same shirt he has.

"Alright, Soos just use your mouth to say words that make romance happen."

At the poor attempt at flirting or trying to sir up something the lady screamed and ran out of the establishment punching someone on the way out. Dipper found him behind the hanging clothes being sad.

"Soos...? What was that all about?" He asked.

"I-I think I was flirting but I'm not sure-"

"Did someone say flirting!" Mabel says popping out of a bucket having confetti all over her face.

~Small tem skip!~

Soos spotted his cousin and panicked and ran into the game store he stumbled into a corner where he felt alone. He felt like giving up until he found the Doki Doki Literature Club. He read the front and back of it something seemed like this would help him find a girl or just improve his skills in trying to find one of course.

"What do you dudes think about this?" He asked the twins.

"Well, you're better at games than at flirting," Dipper said with half confidence in his voice

"Omg, it has a cute cover!" Mabel ignored the question and saw how cute the cover seemed.

"Umm, you guys shouldn't buy that multiple people said that its dangerous and slightly too addicting until bad things happened to them. And they returned it."

The twins didn't care and bought it anyway so they could help Soos completely avoiding her warnings about the seemingly innocent game and not knowing what was coming for them...















(See you guys in the next chapter!) 

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