Chapter 5 An Unforgettable Nightmare

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I woke up to grey everywhere and a bit of yellow in different parts. I realized right away that it was that forest we were in before Dipper and Mabel found us. I got up and went to explore my surroundings. All I saw was an endless amount of forest (I realized that saw and was is just the 's' and 'w' switched yes I'm not that smart.). I heard a chuckle from behind me so naturally, I looked behind me and nothing to that's all I saw. I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned around to see...a flying Dorito?!?!

???: "I'm right here kid want some deer teeth?"

When he said that he made deer teeth appear in his hand and put them in front of my face and I gasped and held back a scream.

Monika: " about not killing innocent deer with whatever you did." I said backing away a bit.

???: "Eh suit yourself kid." He said shrugging and making the teeth vanish.

Monika: "I'm not a kid."

???"Well my age doesn't compare to yours."

Monika: "Hey world this flying Dorito is being a threat to me right now! Help!" I said trying not to laugh at my own statement.

???: "What! I'm not a Dorito! There isn't even anyone here so there's no use on calling anyone!"

Monika: "But you look edible from my view."

He blinked his eye in surprise.

???: "At least I didn't kill anyone for what you meat sacks call 'love'."

Monika: "How did you-"

???: "I know a lot of things that you don't."

Monika: "So what if I'm lovesick you wouldn't know what it's like..."

???: "How so is it fear that's stopping you? Or is it regret the things you did."

Monika: "Why are you mentioning that!"

???: "Because I was the one that brought you out of that little game of yours."

Monika: "How though?"

???: "Well being a dream demon is harder than it seems..."

Monika: "So is that why you look like a Dorito man?"

Bill: "Monika! My name is Bill Cipher, not a Dorito!"

Monika: "Oh that explains it but how did you know my name!"

Bill: "I'm all-knowing."

Monika: "Oh...what are you even doing here? Are you doing this because you're bored?"

Bill: "Oh yeah I actually wanna make a deal with you."

Monika: "Depends on what it is."

Bill: "Well I need your help simply."

Monika: "What is it chip?"

All he did was grunt and rub his eye with his free hand.

Bill: "Well you probably have questions about how I set you girls free from your so-called life trapped and alone in a game like that."

Monika: "Wait I still haven't gotten an answer on how you did that! But why though?"

Bill: "Well every time I try to concur this useless world but I'd always failed at it but now I just have another plan in mind."

Monika: "Which is?"

Bill: "I need you to see what they're planning on doing next and tomorrow you need to go get another game. Knowing you you'd forget the name of it so it'll glow in your vision alone."

Monika: "And what do I get in return?" I asked getting a weird feeling from this deal of his.

Bill: "Well what do you want from this deal?"

I was starstruck of his question that he'd ask me what I wanted on my side of the deal. I was expecting something different but I didn't care at this point. I thought about what would be helpful the most in some situations.

Bill: "Tic Tok my dear." He said growing impatient with me.

I nodded and then it hit me I knew exactly what I wanted.

Monika: "I want a love potion in return."

Bill: "Really? A love potion kid? Do you want one that works or a fake one."

Monika: "I want a real one so it can be like away so I won't forget the deal we made."

Bill: "Well it suits you your nickname will be love then. (Don't get the wrong idea)" He said while snapping a small red heart vile with some liquid in it.

Monika: "Wow...this looks beautiful."

Bill: "So is it a deal then?"

He held his hand out to me with a blue flame looking to burn anything that was in its way.

Monika: "Is there supposed to be a blue flame right there?"

Bill: "Well yeah it's my way to seal the deal for us."

Monika: "Oh..."

I hesitantly shook the hand learning right away that it was harmless. My hair floated up a bit after sealing the deal with him.

Bill: "See was that so hard?"

Monika: "Well no...but what happens if I break my half of the deal?"

Bill: "There are multiple answers that I really don't have time for explaining kid."

Monika: "So you basically punish the deal-breaker or just kill them off."

Bill: "Yeah basically..."

I grew more hesitant because I wanted to test it out but at the same time, it would be a dangerous road to even crossed. So I didn't even dare to test it out.

Monika: "Do the girls know about this."

Bill: "Well no they wouldn't even believe me and you keep all of the secrets under wraps."

Monika: "Yeah what about them?"

Bill: "Well when you told them about the game thing they thought you were just being crazy didn't they?"

Monika: "Y-yeah..."

Bill: "Let's keep this between us before further notice ok?"

Monika: "Ok no tricks."

He just sighed in response to my statement.

Bill: "Alright."

He disappeared after he said something else and it all faded to black...







(Sorry for the short chapter I hope you enjoy the next!)

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