Chapter 4 Mabel's Sleepover

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_Monika's POV_

They've shown us to their room they introduced us to everyone in the place. I've noticed that Dipper kind of acts like a younger Yuri except a few minor details. While Mabel was more cheerful and friendly like Sayori. I smile crept onto my face thinking about the resemblances. I still have a strange feeling in this town though like something had its eyes on us, I just couldn't figure out who or what it was. It was apparent that their Grunkle Stan had a secret, but I didn't want to be noisy and try to pry the answer right out of him. Dipper left us alone with Mabel, and I could tell that she was thinking of what to do.

Mabel: "Karaoke!" She said suddenly, so we looked at her.

After she said that, she ran out of the room and came back seconds later with what looked like a karaoke machine.

Mabel: "Bro, bro! I need help!"

Dipper: "I'll be there in a sec!"

When he said that, he came up and saw the machine.

Dipper: "Whatever you're doing with that, let me out of it."

She went to him and grabbed his arm in a way to make him stay.

Mabel: "Please..."

Dipper: "...Fine, just this once, ok."

Mabel: "Really! Thanks! Now that's been settled who wants to go first?"

Sayori: "Are duets allowed?"

Mabel: "Huh? I don't see why not how about we all do it! Choose your partners!"

We just decided to choose the person we look at first; I had Sayori. Yuri had Natsuki, and Mabel and Dipper are partners as well. I thought it was just a punishment for what I've done to her anyone else knows about it.

Monika: "Who's first?"

Mabel: "Maybe you and Sayori?"

Sayori: "Oki, Doki! Come on, Monika!" She said while grabbing my arm.

Monika: "Ok, ok, I swear you act like an excited puppy."

Embarrassed by my statement, she face palmed herself and nudged my shoulder.

Sayori: "I thought you were silly!"

We walked to the machine and I put the music and started it.

In the end, we started to laugh at how it reminded us of the club and how we did it.

Sayori: "Why does this make me think of the club!"

Monika: "I don't know, but this is fun. Who's next?"

Mabel: "How about me and Dipper."

Monika: "Stage is all yours." I said gesturing them to the front with a grin creeping onto my face.

In the end, we started to laugh at how it reminded us of the club and how we did it.

Sayori: "Why does this make me think of the club!"

Monika: "I don't know, but this is fun. Who's next?"

Mabel: "How about me and Dipper."

Monika: "Stage is all yours." I said gesturing them to the front with a grin creeping onto my face.

They gave us a slight nod and went next I could tell it was a sibling duet and I was right.

After their song, they hugged each other as I heard a few 'awe's' on how their sibling relationship wasn't like others (I don't ship Mabel x Dipper that's just gross.) I smiled and clapped with the others.

Mabel: "So how was that."

Yuri: "It was adequate for my taste."

Natsuki: "It was good I guess." She said stubbornly.

Sayori and I gave them a thumbs up and I could've sworn I saw Dipper blushing as hid his face in his shirt. I giggled at that and I saw Mabel giving him the 'I know you have a crush' look.

Yuri: "Shall we go next Natsuki?"

Natsuki: "Y-yeah but don't get the wrong idea!"

I gave Natsuki the look and she grew flustered but did it anyway.

I gave Natsuki the look and she grew flustered but did it anyway. They looked at each other and nodded and started the show.

(Sorry I have a bad taste in music.)

After their song, they were blushing madly probably why they chose that song above others but went back to sit down trying to forget what happened.

Mabel: "So what next!" she asked cheerfully.

Sayori: "How about truth or dare!"

I despised the idea of it not wanting to get their curiosity ahead of them I wasn't going to make the same mistake like last time.

Mabel: "Dipper truth or dare!" She said as her brother got a book out flipping through pages at a time.

He sighed and placed the book beside him. I could tell he was protective over it by the way he looked at it a second time before glancing at his sister.

Dipper: "Truth maybe...?"

Mabel: "Ok do you like, like anyone in this room?"

I giggled at her statement since she said 'like, like' instead of love.

Monika: "You mean love Mabel?"

Mabel: "Yeah! That's the word have you been in it too?"

Monika: "Well I can't say I haven't been but there gone now."

They gave me a strange look and I looked over to the side knowing the truth about the players that played before but what can I say...they were desperate well most of them were at least. I wonder what they did to the game to set us free I have a strange feeling that they might've been the cause of it.

Dipper: "What do you mean by gone exactly?" Dipper said with a suspicious look.

Monika: "I mean they've gone missing not even a week meeting them." I said in my false defense.

Mabel: "Are you sure you're ok?"

Monika: "Oh I'm fine they didn't mean anything to me anyway." I said trying to brush it off.

Mabel: "Oh ok!"

The night ended like others just hanging out and talking nothing too serious though. We've headed to bed right after eating they agreed that something didn't feel right here. The girls went to bed while I stayed up for about three extra hours until finally...they shut closed into a dream I knew I wouldn't forget...






(Sorry for the wait guys! I had school to deal with I hope you have a good day/night💜.)

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