"The Expected Plot Twist"

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I found a wonderful place to get lost with you.

A place where no one will be able to find us

A place only I know about.

Come with me and get lost with our feelings.

Oh, what a plot twist you were.

You dare to draw memories in my mind
that I could never erase.

You painted colors in my heart
knowing I could never replace them.

Then leaving for you think it's the best way
to run away.

I met you for a reason.

Let's not ruin that.

You had me.

Until every last star in the galaxy dies,

You will still have me.

From "wish I meant more to you." to "wish I 
didn't waste my time trying to get 
back with the wrong person."

You gave me a day where it felt like I wasn't falling apart,
and left with not even a goodbye.

Then suddenly, we're back to being 
"strangers with memories"

I am not perfect.
No one is.

I say stupid things without thinking sometimes.
I laugh when I'm not supposed to.
I smile when I'm feeling down.
I have scars left by the people who did me wrong.
I'm a little crazy, and I probably won't change.

Love me or not.

But I make one promise,

that if I ever love you,

I'd do it with a full heart.

It hurts to know that one way or another.

I'd still need to let you go.

Remember, when we used to talk for hours...

Look at us now.

If I ever get married, I want to do the vows from "Corpse Bride"

"With this hand,
I will lift your sorrows.
Your cup will never empty,
For I will be your wine.
With this ring,
I ask you to be mine."


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