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Blake's p.o.v
So today is the day we leave for Hawaii and I still haven't told Mel. I don't know how but we leave in 3 hours so I need to come up with something.

M-yea what's up
B-I need to tell you something
M-what is it
B-I need you to pack your bags
B-we are leaving today
M-blake what the hell!
B-I'm sorry I had too! I just want you happy
M-I am happy babe! You can't see that? I don't have to be on vacation to be happy.
B-I know babe I'm sorry I just like doing things for you
M-I know baby
B-we kinda need to leave soon so...
M-I'll go pack.
B-I already packed Will's stuff.
M-*smiles* alright

-on the private jet-
W-mom where r we going
M-an island
W-what's that
M-a place with water all around it
W-like a water park?
M-haha sorta
M-blake wake up!
B-ugh why
M-Cuz the pilot just said we will be there in 30 minutes.
B-that was fast
M-well when u sleep the whole time
B-whatever. Did Will ever sleep?
B-alright. Are you excited
M-yea I am. Will is so curious lol
B-well he's a baby
M-so much sarcasm
M-ha it's fine.

-in Hawaii- Mel's p.o.v
It's super nice here and of course Blake chose the nicest most expensive hotel. Will loves it and keep trying to pronounce Hawaii right, it's adorable.
Even though I don't mind paparazzi it's just nice to be able to walk with my family and not get followed. Except for the occasional fan that's on vacation also. We decide to go swimming because Will wants to go in the ocean. I want too also. The water looks so nice. After we all got changed we went down to the beach and it was so beautiful. The sun was setting and it was just amazing. After about an hour of Blake splashing me and Will playing with the sand someone calls Blake's name. Figuring it's a fan he acts like he can't hear them but I turn and look.

---AN:oh god lol. Thnx for reading!!----

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