27. Forgetting And Forgiving

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(First, yes Rose and Jazz have left only FOR NOW! Rose and Jazz will be returning but not now, the reason I pulled her out of the story is because I didn't like the fact she was having the spot light instead of the girls. So now the spotlight will be on the girls from now on.. Enjoy)

Diana wakes up sweating heavily in her bed, the nightmares of those things still plague her mind, she hated falling asleep ever since that day. She sighed heavily and drifted off back to sleep too exhausted to think about her hygiene

Screams, that's all she could hear, everyone running for their lives... Literally. Giant metal beings fighting each other trying to get to one girl, a girl also running for her life away from those beings but didn't show fear to the black, silver and green beings running close to her

"Keep running sweetspark!" Diana was laying beneath rubble trying to push it off her, the rubble was going to crush her if she moved her arms. Her arms burned in pain to get the extreme weight off of her

"Don't stop!" Diana screamed as a police looking bot stood menacing in front of her with a smirk, a alien gun attached to his hand shone brightly in her face

"Goodbye maggot" that's when she heard her brothers pained screams and the next thing she saw was a flash of red and blue knocking the police being away from her and helped her out of the rubble, she moved warily away from it and ran to her brother. He laid weakly on the floor clutching his side-

She jolted back awake again and huffed angrily, no point in trying to sleep now was there? She climbed out of bed and the sun lights hit the sky indicating it was way too early to be awake, she got out and did her morning routine and decided to tend to her duties with the animals in the pet shop. The pets greeted her with squeals, bark and squeaks of excitement.

Diana: "Good morning my little sweet peas" she cooed quietly as her mother was still in bed, her father was overseas in Canada tending to his own business with her sister, her sister was only a year older then her but they all had a strong bond hence why her business was built and helped with her depression she had suffered losing her brother, only family can do so much. It was all up to her to heal but maybe a certain someone could help?

She shrugged off the thought and started working on cleaning out the cages, her mother yawned coming down with a full on bed head

Diana: "oh god" she shut her mouth silencing her snickers and quickly put her head down going back to work

Mother: "Mornin" she says grumpily putting her mug on the coffee machine, the machine whirled loudly to life pouring in fresh hot coffee

Diana: "morning, you ok?" her mother deadpanned at her with a twitch in her eye, Diana snorted

Diana: "well ain't you just a ray of sunshine"


Alex laid on her bed in simple clothing not really in the mood to do anything unless that meant shooting targets, all the girls were in a state missing Rose, Jazz and little Angel but they knew Jazz made the decision for the better. When the bots left that night they had found another letter under Rose's pillow, a message that helped them to stop hating on their boys, her letter said:

"Girls, I know you're upset with how the Autobots have been treating me but you have to see it from their perspective, they don't know me so well as you all do. They see me as this cold hearted girl with no emotions, if I was in their shoes I would probably think the same way, they haven't known me for long or even bothered to get to know me and with the Decepticons constantly insisting I am a Decepticon they are going to believe them, war does this to kind souls like the Autobots. But remind yourself everyday they are not to blame for this, the Decepticons did this so blame it all on them as that is what I am doing.

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