His Angel

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Trigger warnjng: Abusive and Homophobic language (F-slur and D-slur), some depictions of violence.

Read with caution you have been warned.

This is written off the basis that Damian is transgender but is focused mainly on the aftermath and the relationship between Janis and Damian.



Damian was used to the bullying he had to deal with at school. To him it didn't matter, they didn't have a say in who he was or how he lived so why should the bullies bother him. It never got violent. So he had no reason to worry. People didn't shove him in the hall or stuff him into lockers like they did with Janis, so he shouldn't complain right? She had it so much worse, Right?

The thing was, Janis was a no nonsense type of girl so the moment someone started picking on Damian, she would pounce, shouting at then untill they ran away with their tail between their legs or hitting them hard enough that she ended up in detention for the rest of the week. She didn't care if she got bullied, but she did if someone hurt Damian. And they knew about it afterwards.

Janis was Damians Angel, and she would always protect him.

But who protected her?


"So I was going to base the next project off of body dysmorphia and how as human beings today we are told how we should look and taught that our bodies are disgusting if they aren't a cardboard cut out of what we see in the papers."

Janis was talking about her English project and although Damian was nodding along, he didn't take in much of what she was saying, he just let her ramble. Enjoying the liveliness of her voice and how her eyes lit up as she spoke.

"You do realise that the project is due in on Monday right?" Damian asked, snorting at the wide eyed expression Janis gave him as he spoke, "I'll take that as a no then." He chuckled, linking arms with her.

"You couldn't have told me this last week?" His friend groaned, resting her head on his arm and sighing dramatically.

"Hey it's not my fault you always leave it till the last minute. I've had mine done for three weeks now."

"Damian-" Janis was about to resort something back at him, probably a joke that would make them both laugh and forget about the lack of finished work Janis had, but a voice cut violently across their conversation.

"My dad says we shouldn't allow Fags in this school!" A jock that must have been at least a year older then the both of them screamed, "He says you aren't nothing but a dirty freak!"

Damian felt his cheeks heat up and looked at his feet ashamedly. Janis on the other hand spun on her heel, stalking over to where the jock was stood and shoving him back into the lockers her was stood by.

"What did you just say?" She asked in a dangerously low voice, holding the jock against the lockers despite the fact he was at least two foot taller then her and a lot wider, "Repeat it I dare you."

Damian put a hand on her shoulder and tried to pull her back, "Jan leave him he isn't worth it." He said quietly, desperately trying to ignore the stares they were getting as people walked by.

"No Damian. I'm not letting this prick get away with that!" The girl cried angrily, her eyes ablaze as the jock sniggered.

"You don't have the guts to do anything!" He sneered, glaring maliciously at the pair, " All you are is a filthy Dyke with a fag for a friend!"

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